NEWS 03 Feb 2022­ by Simon Sirmenis

ADOME Coming Out In May

Remember ADOME? Yeah I don’t blame you, it’s been a while since we’ve heard about this game. It was planned to come out around Autumn 2020 but I guess with all that’s happened it got slightly pushed back. Well, this time we have some good news, the game is set to release in May with…
NEWS 31 Jan 2022­ by Simon Sirmenis

Shadow Warrior 3 Comes Out March 1st

After more than 6 years Lo Wang is finally making a return. On March 1st, that is just in 4 weeks from now, Shadow Warrior 3 will be in your hands. If you fork over £34.99/$49.99 for the regular or £42.49/59.99 for the deluxe Wang...edition. In the meantime, enjoy the above release date reveal trailer…
NEWS 18 Mar 2017­ by Simon Sirmenis

The Surge for Pre-order

If you haven’t heard of The Surge, well, then shame on you. It’s a third person sci-fi action-adventure game where you get to fight man (augmented) and machine in a climate change affected earth where the CREO corp, the should-be saviour of our planet, encountered some kind of meltdown and all went to hell. The…
ANNOUNCEMENT 31 Jan 2017­ by Simon Sirmenis

The 101 of Sniper Elite 4

In what is becoming a trend, Rebellion have released a new 101 video for the upcoming Sniper Elite 4. The narrator takes us through the basics, all the way through Campaign, Combat, Enemies, Weapons and Multiplayer. Unsurprisingly SE4 is going to be bigger and better than any previous Sniper Elite game. Due to the timing…
ANNOUNCEMENT 26 Jan 2017­ by Simon Sirmenis

Calibrate Your Scope In Sniper Ghost Warrior 3

Sniper Ghost Warrior franchise has an iffy track record with previous games performing way below initial expectations. This time around though it seems CI Games are determined to set things straight. The game looks really good and with the adoption of open world, Far Cry-like approach it could be really fun. In the latest video,…
ANNOUNCEMENT 25 Jan 2017­ by Simon Sirmenis

Prey Gets a Release Date and a New Trailer

It’s been a while since we heard from Arkane and Bethesday about Prey, the two companies recently were mostly focused on Dishonored 2 and the issues that followed its release, but today they spilled the beans on the release date. On May 5th, in the rebooted franchise, we will be exploring the derelict space station…
ANNOUNCEMENT 18 Jan 2017­ by Simon Sirmenis

Infinite Warfare Get’s VAC’ed

A week after the consoles, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare also got a new patch for our beloved platform – the PC.  Besides the usual bug fixes and rebalancing, arguably the most important thing here is the VAC, Valve’s anti-cheat system, implementation. Call of Duty isn’t stranger to cheating and Infinite Warfare was getting increasingly…
NEWS 01 Jan 2017­ by Simon Sirmenis

Welcome to 2017

Finally 2016 is over! Even though it was a great year for gaming, that can’t be said for the real world. There obviously are a lot of people who rejoice about the developments in 2016 while others see their world crumbling under their feet. No matter which camp you’re in, the year definitely was extraordinary…
ANNOUNCEMENT 15 Dec 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Pay for Yooka-Laylee Now and Enjoy the Toybox

The 3D Platformer (Action/Adventure) genre is seeing somewhat of a resurrection. Even though it’s mostly driven by Indies, the quality of games in this space is increasing rapidly, and Yooka-Laylee is one of those games pushing the bar. A Kickstarter sweetheart that got more than ten times what they asked for as it slowly gets…
ANNOUNCEMENT 08 Dec 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

DOOM Drops DRM, Brings Bots Instead

DOOM received an update recently, and it’s a good one. The 5th free update, besides adding the usual stuff like new skins/armour, game modes, SnapMap modules and bug fixes, is Bringing back the Bots. This is surely to increase the longevity of the title, as well as bringing reassurance that even if the multiplayer dies off,…
ANNOUNCEMENT 27 Oct 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

DOOM Got Hell Followed

Bethesda and id released the second payed multiplayer DLC for DOOM – Hell Followed. The latest pack lets you fight in space, gorge or a cave; gives a demonic Hivehand; adds an ability to wall-hack; gives a chance to play as a floating meatball; and includes some vanity items. If you think that all this…
ANNOUNCEMENT 12 Sep 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Another 12 Minutes of Shadow Warrior 2

With little over a month to go until Shadow Warrior 2 comes out, Devolver released another 12 minute gameplay video. Our dear friend, Lo Wang, mows down enemies in the rural countryside, then jumps into a more urban, “Tron” like environment. You can see many different weapons and powers, which combine to produce devastating effects…
ANNOUNCEMENT 06 Sep 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

See the Carnage in Mirage: Arcane Warfare

Torn Banner have been busy showing off Mirage: Arcane Warfare at PAX West. They released a bloody long gameplay trailer to those who aren’t that fortunate and can’t participate. The Chivalry developer had two maps and five classes on display, where they duke it out with lots of blood and gore, and a little sprinkle…
ANNOUNCEMENT 03 Sep 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Gears of War 4’s Horde 3.0

Gears of War 2 brought the wave based co-op mode into the limelight. Since its introduction back in 2008 a lot of games quickly followed suit, but very few made it as renowned and enjoyable as GoW 2 did. Almost 10 years later, we now have Horde 3.0, Gears of War 4’s tricked out version…