ANNOUNCEMENT 02 Sep 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Quantum Break Slightly Delayed

In a very short post THQ Nordic announced that Quantum Break retail/Steam version has a new (re)release date of September 29th. This is a bit over two week delay from the original September 15th but THQ Nordic were quick to assure the eager games that this has nothing to do with the game itself. The…
ANNOUNCEMENT 31 Aug 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Nvidia Brings a Scary Vault to Fallout 4

Nvidia decided that making GPU’s is too difficult and moved onto modding. Being a little bit more serious, Nvidia released a Fallout 4 mod called Vault 1080. If the vanilla game or Nuka-World is too joyful and cheery, at least as much as a post-apocalyptical world can be, then enter the gloomy and eerie Vault…
ANNOUNCEMENT 20 Aug 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

No Titanfall 2 Beta for You, PC

EA/Respawn are running a Titanfall 2 Alpha/Beta thingie called Tech Test this and next weekends but unfortunately it’s a console exclusive. All we get on PC is to watch this rather nice looking trailer. The official reason, and in this case I have to admit it doesn’t sound like a marketing bs, is that Respawn…
ANNOUNCEMENT 19 Aug 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Prey Gamescom Gameplay Trailer

Bethesda released a new gameplay trailer for its rebooted Prey game in a similar fashion to Dishonored 2 one which contains a few segments of pure uninterrupted gameplay. We get a glimpse at the enemies, weapons, mechanics and features as well as few different environments. The original Prey had a unique gravity and portal mechanic…
ANNOUNCEMENT 19 Aug 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Launch Trailer

Not much longer to wait and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided will possibly be in your grasp. In 3 days the game launches worldwide and to celebrate that, and promote even more sales, Square released a launch trailer. It is purely a CGI trailer showing the societal division and struggle that comes with it, with Jensen…
ANNOUNCEMENT 15 Aug 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Gamescom Ushers a New Battlefield 1 Trailer

In a prelude to Gamescom DIDE/EA saw fit to release a new gameplay trailer for Battlefield 1. The action takes place in the Senai Desert map where we see teams of professional stuntmen play out a highly orchestrated game where people pretend to not see you, miss, or run in front of the trains. Rest…
ANNOUNCEMENT 13 Aug 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Shadow Warrior 2 Has a Release Window

The first (new) Shadow Warrior was a pleasant surprise. It was a reboot that kept most of the elements that made the original cool while making sure modern gameplay mechanics made it actually fun to play. This time around with the sequel Devolver Digital and Flying Wild Hog are changing up the formula. This time…
ANNOUNCEMENT 13 Aug 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Black Ops III Descent Hits PC

A month after the release on PS4, the latest DLC for Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Descent, has landed on PC. The latest content pack contains four multiplayer maps: Empire, Berserk, Cryogen and Rumble as well as the latest zombies Origins chapter Gorod Krovi.
ANNOUNCEMENT 11 Aug 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

The Witcher 3 GOTY Coming August 30th

If you’ve been living under a rock (or a fantasy world) or just thought that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was too short/pricey then have no fear, CD Projekt Red has you covered with the Game of the Year Edition. The GOTY will include all the released content; expansions ‘Hearts of Stone’ and ‘Blood and…
ANNOUNCEMENT 23 Jul 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

No Man’s Sky Trade

Following Exploration and Fight, No Man’s Sky introduces us to, you guessed it, Trade. The trailer though shows off few more elements of the game, probably because pure trading would have been a bit dull. Basically the process goes like this: explore, mine, trade, with a bit of gather and craft on the side. When…
ANNOUNCEMENT 21 Jul 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Gears of War 4 Hiking Gameplay

Now that we know that Gears of War 4 and quite a few other games are coming to PC, we might as well start following their progress. In the latest snippet from the campaign portion our squad of heroes are trying to make their way to the dam. Unfortunately their way is blocked by the…
ANNOUNCEMENT 19 Jul 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Telltale’s Batman Hitting the Streets on August 2nd

Telltale came out today with a significant reveal, the release date for BATMAN – The Telltale Series Episode 1: Realm of Shadows. The series will focus on Batman and his struggle being Bruce Wayne and the caped crusader. While not much is known for sure we finally get a trailer which looks just fantastic. We…
ANNOUNCEMENT 14 Jul 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Battlefront to Bring Back Bots

Star Wars Battlefront was a disappointment in a lot of gamer’s minds, especially at launch. It was mostly carried by its name while not containing enough substance. To be fair it did get more content...for a price, but it had nothing on the older Battlefront games. Well today DICE announced that they will be bringing…
ANNOUNCEMENT 09 Jul 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

The Elder Scrolls Online Going GOTY

Few days ago Bethesda announced that they will be releasing the full version of the Elder Scrolls MMO - The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition. The Gold Edition will be available from September 9th and will include all the DLC’s: Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild, and Dark Brotherhood, as well as the Palomino horse mount…