Quantum Break Slightly Delayed

Posted on 02 Sep 2016 by
Simon Sirmenis

In a very short post THQ Nordic announced that Quantum Break retail/Steam version has a new (re)release date of September 29th. This is a bit over two week delay from the original September 15th but THQ Nordic were quick to assure the eager games that this has nothing to do with the game itself. The blame was put on the retail manufacturing which for whatever reason apparently isn’t on schedule. Even though the delay affects Steam release as well those too eager to play can always get the game via Windows Store where the game is available since April. The rest of us will be eagerly waiting for the 29th.

Official Press Release

Steam release of Quantum Break and the Quantum Break: Timeless Collector’s Edition for retail will be released on September 29th

Vienna, Austria – September 2, 2016; Due to additional time required for mastering and manufacturing the Quantum Break – Timeless Collector’s Edition for retail, the decision has been made to move the release to September 29th. This concerns both, the Steam version, as well as the retail edition.

Comments (4)

Posts: 166
David Pink
Posted 14 Sep 2016, 17:05
For the rest of us on a budget.. or in my case, a non-existant budget, I'm just gonna wait till a mate grabs this on Steam and enjoy it via Sharing... or better yet, pick it up on a sale at some point, I always wanted to try the game but I wasn't gonna touch Windows 10 Store to do it lol.

Posts: 349
L Coulsen
Posted 02 Sep 2016, 18:41
It's also cheaper than a typical new game release, and comes with a fair few physical extras. I have it pre-ordered on Amazon

Posts: 133
Simon Sirmenis
Posted 02 Sep 2016, 18:19
Yeah I’m actually also really considering of picking up the retail version. Its nothing too special but looks kind of cool.

Posts: 349
L Coulsen
Posted 02 Sep 2016, 17:47
Good. That means I'll have more money for takeaway next week