ANNOUNCEMENT 01 Mar 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Umbrella Corps Multi-Mission Mode Revealed

Umbrella Corps, a Resident Evil spinoff, is supposed to come out at some point soon and Capcom are revealing more details about the gameplay. This time it’s the “Multi-Mission” mode which will randomly cycle through different multiplayer types revolving around team deathmatch with varying objectives and conditions. For more details see the official press release…
ANNOUNCEMENT 29 Feb 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

TW: Warhammer Azhag’s Ard Amrour Battle Playthrough

Today Creative Assemply, the developers of the Total War series, released a new Total War: Warhammer playthrough video of the Azhag’s Ard Amrour battle. This is a campaign battle early on in the game where Orcs and Goblins battle against three Bretonnian human armies. The greenskins take a defensive positions and stand their grown against…
ANNOUNCEMENT 26 Feb 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Hitman “Legacy” Trailer Targets

A couple of days ago, following the Hitman beta that was running over the weekend, Square released a “Legacy” trailer. In that trailer they payed tribute to all the previous Hitman games with a CGI reimagination from the famous kills in an authentic agent 47 style. If you haven’t had a chance to experience some…
ANNOUNCEMENT 26 Feb 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

SUPERHOT Launch Trailer

As is the tradition in the gaming industry a new trailer accompanied a super-hot title – SUPERHOT. A highly stylized game about slow-mo asskicking and name-taking where the world around you is at your mercy and even the time itself is your b*tch where bad guys and even bullets only move when you do. You…
NEWS 25 Feb 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

We are BACK!

After a long and difficult road to this new look, we are finally almost at the finish line. Not there yet but really close, only minor things remain. Regardless we consider this as our grand reopening. This week we will still keep fairly quiet, getting used to the new content management system and making sure…