Another 12 Minutes of Shadow Warrior 2

Posted on 12 Sep 2016 by
Simon Sirmenis

With little over a month to go until Shadow Warrior 2 comes out, Devolver released another 12 minute gameplay video. Our dear friend, Lo Wang, mows down enemies in the rural countryside, then jumps into a more urban, “Tron” like environment. You can see many different weapons and powers, which combine to produce devastating effects that Lo Wang has at his disposal.

In this sequel, they’re taking a different approach to both the level design, as well as the available arsenal, which is one of my biggest concerns. The open(ish) world design looks to have lost its focus with needing to loop around areas previously visited, as well as the abundance of weapons, which scares me. It reminds me of the Borderlands situation in which you have lots of junk weapons and gear and only something worthy coming by on rare occasions.

Shadow Warrior 2 is out October 13th and this is when we will learn if the new approach to the series will pay off.

Comments (2)

Posts: 166
David Pink
Posted 14 Sep 2016, 13:26
I got a Wang for you right here baby! Seriously tho, the previous Shadow Warrior game was hilarious and extremely fun, hopefully the 2nd one continues to be outrageous ;D

Posts: 349
L Coulsen
Posted 13 Sep 2016, 09:01
You want to watch Wang? Or you want to watch Wang?