Welcome to 2017

Posted on 01 Jan 2017 by
Simon Sirmenis

Finally 2016 is over! Even though it was a great year for gaming, that can’t be said for the real world. There obviously are a lot of people who rejoice about the developments in 2016 while others see their world crumbling under their feet. No matter which camp you’re in, the year definitely was extraordinary but what shifts the scales for anyone who has any decency is the loss of many, many renowned people. We don’t know what the new year brings but we can only hope it is as good for gaming as 2016 was.

For us, at Pixel Judge, 2016 was another interesting year. This time in a good sense though. It started off with us launching the new, redesigned site. Over the year we made lots and lots of small and big improvements to the looks and functionality, with most things being improved under the hood to make our life (and job) easier. While we dropped the ball on posting content, I think, and hope, we started getting back up in the last quarter. This was/is mostly due to the wonderful old and new people that we have on our team. Some people saw that we were struggling and stepped up to the plate to help things move along (this makes me personally extremely happy, thank you guys).

Obviously we have grand plans for 2017. We still have ideas and improvements for PJ that we hope will go live in the next few months as well as we have quite a few unpublished (I’m personally guilty of that) articles that we will start releasing very soon. For this year we will aim to have even more news, informing you about the latest happenings, have more reviews, previews and articles, as well as get back to having video content accompanying our articles. While we don’t expect to often have review out for release day (our writers have to finish the game for a review after all) we hope that you, our esteemed readers, can appreciate our focus on quality and enjoy a good read even if it’s been few weeks.

While we have an idea of the site that we think you want to see, please leave comments below where you want to see things going. Are you happy with the direction we want to head to or do you think we are missing something? Pixel Judge is not only ours, it’s yours too. Please help us make it better for everyone.

Happy New Year!

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Comments (2)

Posts: 349
L Coulsen
Posted 02 Jan 2017, 11:35
So, since it was millions of celebrities dying last year. Does that mean this year will see the death of loads of video game characters?

Posts: 166
David Pink
Posted 01 Jan 2017, 16:17
D'aweeeee, well said, I especially like that part about me :P I'll be trying to kick things into second gear, trying to get more mates in on the team, push out more entertaining articles and just pimp out PJ to anyone and everyone. Best thing to happen to me in years was meeting Simon and the crew here at Pixel Judge, I plan on seeing this adventure through to the end, hopefully my mates feel the same. Goodbye 2016, you pissy bitch, bring on the good times 2017!