ANNOUNCEMENT 14 Jul 2016­ by Lee Braden

Valve’s Stance on CS:GO Lottery Sites

In a statement that feels a little bit lacking in power, we have the official word from Valve in regards to the current spate of CS:GO lottery sites. Now, I think it's great that Valve are distancing themselves from this, but it feels as my father would say “too little, too late” while the internet…
ANNOUNCEMENT 13 Jul 2016­ by Lee Braden

Stellaris Plantoid Species Pack

There is a saying “Act, and you may eat dinner. Think, and you may be dinner” and with the new Plantoid pack for Stellaris, this is more than true. The first of an unknown number of species packs brings Plantoids, races of sentient plant life, to the universe of Stellaris. Rather than ending up at…
ANNOUNCEMENT 09 Jul 2016­ by Lee Braden

No Man’s Sky Going Gold

Seems the delay that Sean Murry of Hello Games told us about has paid off as No Man's Sky has gone gold. Baring anything catastrophic, such as the whole team eating my mother’s cooking, we shouldn't see any more delays happen. This is big for a game that will be mostly sold as physical copies…
ANNOUNCEMENT 04 Jul 2016­ by Lee Braden

XCOM 2: Shen’s Last Gift

Commander, after that strange thing that hit us, we are receiving a signal from an unknown location, Shen wants to do a recon mission there, as her Rover is uplinking to it. XCOM 2 has been updated with some general fixes and also with the next DLC Shen's Last Gift. Explore an abandoned ADVENT facility,…
NEWS 16 Jun 2016­ by Lee Braden

E3: PC Gaming Show 2016 Post-Show

So, with all that is happening, here’s my roundup of the PC Gamer post show hosted by Tom Marks at E3 2016, which followed after the first show proper, mostly covering smaller studios and further expanding on some of the games we’ve seen prior. Hitman Torban Ellert from IO Interactive sat down to talk about…
ANNOUNCEMENT 13 Jun 2016­ by Lee Braden

Star Citizen Patch 2.4 Brings in Persistence

In a large update that hit on Friday, Cloud Imperium pushed in a big part of the game to Star Citizen – persistence – which brings it one step closer to the final product. So far in the 3 years of development we have had many ups and downs, and a lot of knowledge that…
ANNOUNCEMENT 10 Jun 2016­ by Lee Braden

War Thunder 1.59 Flaming Arrows

“War is a catalyst to advance technology” as my old physics teacher said, and in War Thunder, the addition of Anti-Tank Guided Missiles in the new Flaming Arrows patch adds new technology to the game. The newest additions to 1.59 are tanks that carry ATGM's. The Russian IT-1 and West German Raketenjagdpanzer 2 can only…
ANNOUNCEMENT 09 Jun 2016­ by Lee Braden

WildStar Now on Steam

Carbine and NCSoft's charming sci-fi MMO WildStar has been released on Steam. It is still free-to-play but you can buy new bundles to help you get started. Carbine has announced that the bundles will be available through the in game store as well as Steam and will include cosmetic items, pets, mounts and Signature Time,…
ANNOUNCEMENT 09 Jun 2016­ by Lee Braden

The Greatest Game Comes to Cities: Skylines

In a free DLC for everyone, Colossal Order has released stadiums to Cities: Skylines so you too can host the world cup. Match Day introduces the ability to build and maintain your own sports team in your city, reap the rewards and be careful of traffic for home games as it's going to get busy.…
ANNOUNCEMENT 08 Jun 2016­ by Lee Braden

Minecraft Storymode Ep 6 Out Now

In their continuing series, Telltale has released the next chapter 'A Portal to Mystery' in the Minecraft Storymode game. Starting off a new adventure, A Portal to Mystery takes our heroic cast to a new world overrun by zombies, to a strange mansion where they meet up with others and are at the mercy of…
ANNOUNCEMENT 08 Jun 2016­ by Lee Braden

Who Fancies a Game of Gwent

Well, in a bit of a strange rumbling that awoke some of my odd friends who alerted me to it, it seems that CD Projekt has trademarked Gwent. An EU Intellectual Property Office filing by CD Projekt has been put in for various goods, such as leather cases, clothing, electronic and physical game medium and…
ANNOUNCEMENT 06 Jun 2016­ by Lee Braden

Anno 2205: Big Five Pack

Today we have another one of the free upgrades to Anno 2205, the Big Five Pack, which brings us economic warfare to the world of Anno 2205. Fight for shares, influence and industrial dominance, as you compete with the Big Five, which offers new challenges, grants special rewards and powerful buffs for a richer experience.…
ANNOUNCEMENT 06 Jun 2016­ by Lee Braden

Galaxy in Turmoil Coming to Steam

In a case of “out of the left field” to a lot of people, a fan made game called Star Wars: Galaxy in Turmoil which is based off what the original Battlefront 3 was going to be is coming to Steam. Frontwire, the developers of the game have announced that they have secured release on…
ANNOUNCEMENT 02 Jun 2016­ by Lee Braden

Subnautica Power Nap Update

Sleep tight and don't like the crabsquids bite as Unknown Worlds just updated Subnautica with some new items, including beds. Last update it was hoped that the new solar panel model would be released. It didn't make it, but it's in now, and looks far far better, now to get it to rotate to follow…