As The Firm said “We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill” in their only hit, No Man’s Sky has shown off a trailer with ground and space combat. Whether you are flying between planets or exploring an uninhabited world, combat will not be far, and it seems Hello Games has gone for a nice plethora of weapons, ranging from shipboard missiles and weapons to hand-held rifles.
We get to see some of the combat UI as well as explosions and what different fauna does when it is shot, including flying drones used on planets. For what purpose are they there, well I guess it’s going to be a mystery until you find out where they come from.
In related news for NMS, it seems that Genicap, a Dutch company is asking to check the code used by the game for its procedural generation, as that they believe it could be the patented code that they use. The original article is in Dutch at Telegraaf with a translation on NeoGAF.
In a nutshell, Johan Gielis is the head researcher for Genicap and released a code back in 2003 that Sean Murray had seen. This could have been the basis for the game, as per Murray’s comments in an article last year. If it’s true that Murray’s team have gone and changed it like the guys over at CIG have changed the Crysis engine for Star Citizen, there is a chance they could be safe. If not, we will have to watch this space.
It is kind of funny that No Man’s Sky was delayed because of issues with the word “Sky” in the title and the headache that the monolithic corporation in the EU called “Sky Broadcasting” was giving them. Now another has cropped up, let’s hope it doesn’t cause another delay though.
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Posts: 349
Posted 24 Jul 2016, 14:02
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Posted 23 Jul 2016, 21:45
Posts: 133
Posted 22 Jul 2016, 11:31