No Man’s Sky Update 1.12 Now Available

Posted on 08 Dec 2016 by
Lee Braden

In a short and sweet, mostly PC heavy hotfix patch, Hello Games has sorted out, or found ways round, a few very stubborn bugs.

There isn’t much to say outside of the actual notes with this one, aside from a small thank you to people who are still playing No Man’s Sky even if it’s still missing a lot of features.

So a quick rundown of the fixes:

  • A new mod detection system to help fix issues on PC with breaking mods.
  • AZERTY Keyboard functionality.
  • SLI issue work-around to disable TAA.
  • Fix for remote desktop applications.
  • Fix for Steam errors if running via .exe.

For both the PC and PlayStation 4 fixes:

  • NPC’s should now give you useful dialogue.
  • Fixed items transfer between Exosuit and Starship.
  • Fixed some random crashes.
  • Fixed Underwater building spawn issues.

So, a good little hotfix for those still playing, lets hope this continues and means more of what was promised gets added before the dreaded “5 year death” that hits a lot of big games which don’t deliver on their promises. For the complete list of fixes from update 1.12, check out the No Man’s Sky official site for further details.

Comments (1)

Posts: 166
David Pink
Posted 09 Dec 2016, 00:17
Some day No Man's Sky will be the game most people asked for, I on the other hand, enjoyed what I played already... but since the games shared to me via Steam, and it attributes all discoveries to the original game owner and not me... welp, kinda bummed me out. Someday I'll be able to get my own copy, perhaps by them, it'll be the game the fans wanted from the start. :D