Star Wars Battlefront 2 The Last Jedi Drops Today

Coinciding with the new Star Wars movie, The Last Jedi is a new season of free content for Battlefront 2. Players can expect free unlocks of two new heroes; Finn and Captain Phasma. Also included are two new maps – Galactic Assault mode gets Crait, and Starfighter Assault mode gets the skies above the resistance…
NEWS 17 Nov 2017­ by K-putt

EA Disables Microtransactions in Battlefront 2

You've surely heard of Electronic Arts astonishing accomplishments this week which was covered worldwide even by big news agencies like CNN in the US. Though, for you uninitiated folks out there, here's a small recap of what's been happening. If you already know what happened, jump to the third paragraph. Back in the Star Wars…

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Launch Trailer

Battlefront 2 is still a couple of weeks away but the launch trailer is already available. There's not much, if any gameplay in it but there's a fair amount of lightsaber twirling and a look at some of the scenes and characters you can expect to see from the single player campaign as well as…

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Story Trailer

Unlike the first Star Wars Battlefront from DICE the sequel is going to have a single player campaign – now you can check out the trailer above to get a look at what to expect other than a fuss about loot boxes when the game launches on 17 November 2017. Turns out what you should…

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta Extended

Popular (for all the wrong reasons) space-y shoot-em-up Star Wars Battlefront 2 (the new one, not the good one) has gotten an extended beta test period as you can see above. Via the Twitter post embedded above you can see that the open beta has been extended for a further 2 days to Wednesday 11 October…

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta Trailer and Start Times

The Star Wars Battlefront 2 beta is almost upon us. It's so upon us in fact that it's only a couple of hours away for early access people. Early access starts 8 AM UTC on 4 October 2017 and the open beta starts 8 AM UTC on 6 October 2017. For the first two days…
NEWS 26 Sep 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

This is a Star Wars Battlefront 2 Trailer

The latest trailer for Star Wars Battlefront II features the narration talents of one John Boyega (Finn in The Force Awakens), and a pretty good-looking demo reel as eye candy. With an early section of the trailer devoted to enumerating the improvements over the first Battlefront, it's clear that DICE and EA are well aware…
NEWS 21 Aug 2017­ by Jay Shaw

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Starfighter Assault Trailer Breakdow…

Lets begin by all generously pointing and laughing at the “gameplay” trailer like it's the unpopular kid with its pants down. There's less gameplay in that minute and a half than my right nut but the trailer is marked as in-engine footage so there may be some hints as to what we might expect in…
NEWS 15 Aug 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Here’s Your First Look at Battlefront 2’s Classe…

No, not Pandemic's Battlefront 2. The new one, developed by DICE and published by EA, slated to come out later this year. After a strong showing at E3, recognizing that they had made quite a few missteps in everything from progression to the game itself, Battlefront 2 seems to march ever onward towards its fall…
NEWS 18 Apr 2017­ by K-putt

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Reveal Trailer

After a long wait for clear information about the upcoming Battlefront 2, we finally got a trailer to gnaw on for a bit. Electronic Arts and Dice seemed to have heard our prayers for a single-player campaign because we will be able to play across all the known era’s of the 'Star Wars’ franchise. Darth…
ANNOUNCEMENT 29 Mar 2017­ by K-putt

Battlefront II’s First Look Is Upon Us

It's been rather quiet around the interwebs in regards to the next Battlefront game over the last couple of months. All we know so far is that it will get the absolutely-much-needed Single Player campaign experience missing from Star Wars: Battlefront. Hopefully we'll learn more about it on April 15th, that's when DICE will be showing us…