ANNOUNCEMENT 09 Sep 2016­ by L Coulsen

A Wretched Hive of Obsidian and Unreal 4

Ever wanted to know what Star Wars’ Mos Eisley would look like rendered in Unreal 4? Well don't worry, 'cause Obsidian got your back! Well, some of their off duty dev people have anyway. Working in their spare time, a group of 17 Obsidian employees have been using the experience as a way of better…
ANNOUNCEMENT 01 Aug 2016­ by Lee Braden

Star Wars: Galaxy in Turmoil Order 66

It seems that the great “Battlefront 3” game that was Galaxy in Turmoil is no more, thanks to a bit of legal from LucasFilm and EA. In a blog today on the official site, Tony Romanelli head of Frontwire Studios has said that he had a nice long chat with LucasFilm via a phone and…
ANNOUNCEMENT 06 Jun 2016­ by Lee Braden

Galaxy in Turmoil Coming to Steam

In a case of “out of the left field” to a lot of people, a fan made game called Star Wars: Galaxy in Turmoil which is based off what the original Battlefront 3 was going to be is coming to Steam. Frontwire, the developers of the game have announced that they have secured release on…
ANNOUNCEMENT 03 May 2016­ by Lee Braden

May the 4th and Electronic Arts

So, with annual day of Star Wars upon us tomorrow, it goes with no surprise that EA would grace us with some free items for the day. First big thing is that for that day only Star Wars: Battlefront will be on Origin's “Free day”, for 4 hours only, so you get to try out…