NEWS 10 Apr 2017­ by L Coulsen

CD Projekt Red: What’s in a Trademark

So, by now, I’m sure everyone and their uncle has heard about CD Projekt Red filing a trademark for the term Cyberpunk. Even though they actually didn’t, but more on that in a moment. The key issue here revolves around the way trademarks, or more accurately, copyright, is enforced in today’s media world. The memories…
ANNOUNCEMENT 08 Jun 2016­ by Lee Braden

Who Fancies a Game of Gwent

Well, in a bit of a strange rumbling that awoke some of my odd friends who alerted me to it, it seems that CD Projekt has trademarked Gwent. An EU Intellectual Property Office filing by CD Projekt has been put in for various goods, such as leather cases, clothing, electronic and physical game medium and…