NEWS 11 Jun 2019­ by Sawyer Scherbenske

E3: Square Enix 2019

Final Fantasy VII Remake Square Enix kicked off their E3 show with a massive info dump on everything Final Fantasy 7 Remake. After a large chunk of gameplay showing off parts of the initial bombing run mission, explaining the new ATB system, and the scorpion sentinel boss, Tetsuya Nomura took the stage to thank longtime…
REVIEWS 22 May 2019­ by Sawyer Scherbenske

Katana ZERO

Devolver Digital has increasingly been becoming the go-to publisher when it comes to small indie titles, but Askiisoft had a lot to prove with their very first externally published Steam game. Katana Zero, a neo-noir game following the life and assassinations of a mysterious drug-infused samurai might be what makes or breaks Askiisoft depending on…
REVIEWS 11 Aug 2018­ by Sawyer Scherbenske

The Banner Saga 3

You’ve made it to Arberrang, you’ve gathered clansmen and warriors, and you’re probably going to be dead in a few weeks. Don’t worry though, everyone is dying with you! Well, unless you save everyone that is. But to do that you need to use turn-based combat and make heart-shattering decisions that kill characters and murder…
NEWS 14 Jun 2018­ by Sawyer Scherbenske

E3: PC Gaming Show 2018

For a conference that showed very little last year, this year was a comparative blowout. While most of the games shown off weren’t the large franchise-starters that Microsoft or Sony showed off earlier, they had more games with more actual gameplay content shown off than any conference before. Satisfactory Kicking off this year’s PC show…
NEWS 11 Jun 2018­ by Sawyer Scherbenske

E3: Bethesda 2018

We went into E3 expecting Bethesda to be all about Fallout 76. That was their big, obvious title, but ended up getting a lot more than we expected. Bethesda is clearly sticking with what their good with, RPG’s and shooters, but they went above and beyond when they showed glimpses into the future of Wolfenstein,…
REVIEWS 07 Apr 2018­ by Sawyer Scherbenske

Into The Breach

Into the Breach has quite a legacy to live up to. Not only is it the younger brother of critically successful strategy roguelike FTL, but it’s also had a solid three year development and lots of inspiration from XCOM: Enemy Unknown and Pacific Rim. In summary, Into the Breach should be amazing, and it is!…
REVIEWS 09 Dec 2017­ by Sawyer Scherbenske


RUINER comes to us from Reikon Games and Devolver Digital, and is proof that hitting bad guys with pipes will still be a thing even in gritty, cyberpunk futures. No matter how satisfying whacking bad guys is though, can it last for the 6-8 hour gameplay time? And can a relatively simple and linear beat-em-up like RUINER really…
NEWS 01 Sep 2017­ by Sawyer Scherbenske

Black Manta Gameplay Footage

Despite his goofy helmet, Black Manta is doing a good job of getting the hype started for Injustice’s newest season of DLC characters, and is showing exactly what Injustice needed more of. Similar to Ultimate Marvel’s Sentinel or SkullGirls’s Painwheel, Black Manta has flight; a totally new mechanic for Injustice that lets Manta hover across…
NEWS 18 Jul 2017­ by Sawyer Scherbenske

Jedah & Gamora Gameplay at EVO 2017

Our first peeks at Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite’s Jedah and Gamora were shown through a gameplay trailer at EVO 2017 this weekend. While they’re both new characters to the Marvel vs Capcom series, their fan reception have been different. While Gamora looks great with her cyber armor and laser sword, many people are pointing out…
NEWS 17 Jul 2017­ by Sawyer Scherbenske

Abigail Muscles His Way Into Street Fighter V

Abigail, a hulking monster of muscle from Final Fight, will be the next DLC character in Street Fighter V. Similar to Hugo, Abigail uses his unrivaled size and power to pressure opponents. With his armored charge, wall bounce combos, and command throw, his gameplay seems at home within Street Fighter, even if his sheer bulk…
NEWS 17 Jul 2017­ by Sawyer Scherbenske

Geese Howard Is Coming to TEKKEN 7

Immediately after Echofox JDCR from Korea became an EVO 2017 Grand Champion, Tekken's main man, Katsuhiro Harada, got up on stage with a secret for all of us: Geese Howard is coming to Tekken 7. In a move that was anything but “predictabo,” Geese, along with his signature stage, rapukens, raging storm, parries, and poor parenting…
NEWS 12 Jun 2017­ by Sawyer Scherbenske

E3: Bethesda 2017

While the Microsoft’s press conferance was shocking and surprising with titles like Ori and the Will of the Wisps and a Dragon Ball Z fighting game made by ArcSys, Bethesda went with its old and trusty classics to carry the weight into E3 like Rocky goes into boxing rings; with heavy hitters, some classics, and what…
NEWS 02 Jun 2017­ by Sawyer Scherbenske

Tekken 7 Is Here and Ready to Battle!

After nearly a decade since the last mainline Tekken game, Tekken 7 is finally here and it’s great! With Tekken 7 comes the return of 36 classic and new martial artists, demons, luchadors, bears and more all duking it out to be the next king of the Iron Fist. Tekken 7 boasts the most content…
NEWS 31 May 2017­ by Sawyer Scherbenske

Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite’s Roster Leaked

The entirety of Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite’s roster has just been potentially leaked when Ryce, a reputable NeoGAF leaker, posted about the games 28-character roster. While unofficial, Ryce leaked Infinite’s announcement a week before it’s debut at PSX last year and gained a noble reputation since then. Below you will find the alleged vanilla characters that have…