NEWS 25 May 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Vanquish Is Rocket-Sliding Into Your Neighborhood Today

PlatinumGames' ludicrously fast third-person shooter Vanquish releases today on PC for the first time ever. Revealed roughly two weeks ago and teased well before that, Vanquish brought several innovations to a stale genre upon its original release in 2010, and now, PC players can get in on the action, and boy, does Vanquish deliver action in…
NEWS 25 Apr 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

PlatinumGames Teases Vanquish PC Port, Bayonetta 3?

PlatinumGames has been on fire lately! Following the April Fool’s joke that saw a retro version of Bayonetta appear on Steam, which was then followed by an actual Steam release of the previously console only title, it seems there might be more news for fans of fast-paced, over-the-top action ahead. Early in the day on April 24th, the…