Vanquish Is Rocket-Sliding Into Your Neighborhood Today

Posted on 25 May 2017 by
Kyle Johnson

PlatinumGames’ ludicrously fast third-person shooter Vanquish releases today on PC for the first time ever.

Revealed roughly two weeks ago and teased well before that, Vanquish brought several innovations to a stale genre upon its original release in 2010, and now, PC players can get in on the action, and boy, does Vanquish deliver action in spades: a combination of bullet-hell levels of projectiles on screens, time manipulation mechanics that wouldn’t seem out of place in a Max Payne title, beat-em-up mechanics and rocket-powered sliding combines in a way that only PlatinumGames can deliver.

Preliminary reports about the port are only good news as well. Moving from consoles to PC, and increasing the resolution and frame-rate isn’t always the easiest on older titles, but PlatinumGames delivers again. It may not be the longest shooter in the world, but Vanquish is meant to be played again and again. Available now on Steam for $19.99 USD, we have yet another success for PlatinumGames. Bravo!

Official Press Release

Thursday 25th May – SEGA Europe Ltd. have released the revolutionary sci-fi action shooter VANQUISH, from PlatinumGames, on PC. Available on Steam now! To commemorate the launch, SEGA have released a very special developer diary with producer Atsushi Inaba, animator Takaaki Yamaguchi, and enemy programmer Noriyuki Otani. This is a world premiere of never-before-told insights into VANQUISH. Why did Director Mikami want to make a speedy action shooter? Where did Sam’s slide boosters come from? Why the dancing robots? Find out in the developer diary HERE.

VANQUISH is the latest best practice conversion from SEGA and features a host of PC optimised options. The game plays beautifully in 4k resolution with unlocked framerate and with mouse and keyboard support, and yes, mouse input is raw with no mouse acceleration. Skilled players should be able to pull off even more stunning trick shots with the new, fully-customisable keyboard and mouse controls.

The pre-order offering, which included a Digital Deluxe Edition and 25% discount for Bayonetta owners, expires as of launch.

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