Steel Division 2 – Army General Gameplay Trailer

Enjoy the new trailer for Steel Division 2, this time taking a look at what it's like to be a general in the new turn-based single-player Army General mode. More info in the press release below. Steel Division 2 launches on 20 June 2019.

Steel Division 2 Delayed

Steel Division 2 has been delayed until 20 June 2019, but beta phase three is opening today on Steam until 23 April 2019. The delay is to allow for extra beta testing time and improvements to the game. Stay tuned for more info as we get it.

Steel Division 2 – Historical Battles Announcement

Steel Division 2 will have six Historical Battles from Operation Bagration; a Soviet counter-attack against Axis forces in the summer of 1944. These battles will be playable solo or cooperatively and will be 1:1 scale dynamic strategic campaigns where players will command whole armies.

Steel Division 2 – Launch Date Announced

In-depth strategy game creators Eugen Systems are back with Steel Division 2, the sequel to Normandy '44. Owners of the original game will receive a bunch of extra content; 8 exclusive divisions with over 350 extra units from the original game. That's in addition to the 600 units the base game already features. Check out…

Steel Division: Normandy 44 Going Back To Hell

Steel Division will soon be getting its second expansion, titled Back To Hell, which will include cooperative play for the first time. Also included are; seven new historical missions (five in coop, and multiplayer), 4 new divisions, 58 new units, and two exclusive aces. Back To Hell launches 13 February 2018.

Steel Division Normandy 44 Second Wave Release Trailer and F…

The first DLC, Second Wave for Steel Division: Normandy 44 is out now, and you can see the trailer above. Second Wave adds four new divisions, a new tank ace, and 35 new units. But wait, there's more! In addition to the paid DLC a free update for the game has also been released adding…
NEWS 06 Sep 2017­ by Stephen Haselden

Steel Division: Normandy 44. The Second Wave is Arriving Sep…

Steel Division: Normandy 44 is a very detailed and strategic RTS game from Eugen Systems. The methodical precision Normandy 44 demands makes it feel more like Turn Based strategy, and knowing your units and employing them correctly is key to victory in every engagement. The Second Wave DLC for Normandy 44 is scheduled for release…
NEWS 23 May 2017­ by Bis18marck70

Steel Division: Normandy 44 Has Boots on the Ground

Paradox Interactive have released Steel Division: Normandy 44 today. Developed out of Eugen Systems experience with Wargame and R.U.S.E. Steel Division will thrust players into the battle for Normandy in 1944. Recreating World War II-era warfare with hundreds of historically accurate models and weapons, the game caters specifically to tactical real-time strategy fans and history buffs. Whether…
ANNOUNCEMENT 07 Apr 2017­ by Stephen Haselden

Steel Division: Normandy 44, Invasion Begins May 23rd

Steel Division: Normandy 44 is Eugene Systems latest RTS game (they have made a lot of RTS games...) jumping into the thriving RTS market. Made in a similar style to Eugene’s popular Wargame series, Steel Division offers a WWII campaign with an emphasis on strategy, as well as historical accurate units. RTS lovers and gamers alike can…
NEWS 31 Mar 2017­ by Bis18marck70

Steel Division ’44 Trailer Hits

Ah, the not-so-tranquil plains of France, where a barrel sticks out of every hedgerow and beyond any hill crest can lie an ambush just waiting to happen. It is this beautiful landscape that will feature in Paradox Interactives newest announced title, Steel Division – Normandy ’44, under development at Eugen Systems. Playing out like a mixture…
ANNOUNCEMENT 01 Mar 2017­ by Bis18marck70

Steel Division – Normandy ’44

Eugen Systems, developer of the acclaimed real-time RTS Wargame series, have partnered up with Paradox Interactive for Steel Division – Normandy '44. The brand new Tactical RTS will feature historically accurate units battling across France in the aftermath of D-Day. Coming with a Multiplayer game mode that should be familiar to Wargame fans and a…