GWENT Getting Campaign and Esports Series

GWENT the card game from The Witcher 3 that became so popular it spawned its own spin off game that continues to be insanely popular is now getting its own single player story campaign and an e-sports league. The trailer above is for the story campaign which will be about Meve, a queen of the…
NEWS 24 May 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

The War Comes in Gwent’s Public Beta

The collectible card game spawned from CD Projekt Red's The Witcher 3 enters its Public Beta development phase. Originally announced last June, Gwent places you in command of an army, as you raise forces for three different fronts: Melee, Ranged and Siege weapons. By placing cards to summon units, as well as use magical spells or…
ANNOUNCEMENT 31 Jan 2017­ by Lee Braden

GWENT Nilfgaard Faction Arriving Soon

Part of a major content for GWENT is arriving the new faction – Nilfgaard. Nilfgaard introduces a new playstyle which focuses on maintaining control over the battlefield with new mechanics such as revealing cards in the opponent’s hand, controlling the order of cards in decks and trickery based on disloyalty. The update adds more than…
ANNOUNCEMENT 20 Dec 2016­ by Lee Braden

Major Update to GWENT: The Witcher Card Game

A large update to the closed Beta of GWENT has been released, it brings in a lot of new items for testing and also changes some extra stuff. We have Ranked matches, a Redesigned player Progression system and several dozen new cards, including some animated premium versions. The full changelog is quite extensive, but head on over,…
ANNOUNCEMENT 26 Oct 2016­ by Lee Braden

GWENT Now in Closed Beta

CD Projekt RED has announced that the first wave of invites for GWENT, the famous Witcher card game, is being sent out. Everyone who signed up so far should keep an eye at their inboxes over the next few days. This, however, is not the first time there has been a standalone card game made…
NEWS 13 Jun 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

E3: Microsoft 2016

It’s that time of the year again, in which the entire gaming press converges on Los Angeles to discover new games, consoles, and more from (arguably) gaming’s largest trade show. Though the necessity of E3 has been debated in recent years, it doesn’t stop companies from releasing a whole glut of news, and Microsoft is…
ANNOUNCEMENT 08 Jun 2016­ by Lee Braden

Who Fancies a Game of Gwent

Well, in a bit of a strange rumbling that awoke some of my odd friends who alerted me to it, it seems that CD Projekt has trademarked Gwent. An EU Intellectual Property Office filing by CD Projekt has been put in for various goods, such as leather cases, clothing, electronic and physical game medium and…