ANNOUNCEMENT 23 Sep 2016­ by Jordan Fong

AHH! I Flubbed My Shot… Rocket League’s Under Wa…

It’s that time again, sure as clockwork, and more precise than my shots on the goal. Rocket League is ready to go with it’s next DLC. The Aquadome is depressurized to 1 atmosphere, and all cleaned up after their flooding incident. One free arena, two cars, and a whole lot of accessories. You know the deal…
ANNOUNCEMENT 13 Jul 2016­ by Jordan Fong

Of Crates and Keys, Rocket League’s Upcoming Feature

So it seems that some curious fellow decided to take a peek inside Rocket League’s encrypted files to see what was in there. Turns out he uncovered a new feature coming in a few months. As you can see above, there’s an image of a crate and key. After posting his findings to Reddit Psyonix’s…
ANNOUNCEMENT 06 Jun 2016­ by Jordan Fong

Retail Release and Two SARPBC Classics Return

Thanks to Psyonix, we’ll again see the returning terrors; Aftershock and Marauder. While Marauder resembles a Hummer/Jeep hybrid, Aftershock takes on the likeness of a nimble fighter jet. Both have be updated to suit the graphical style of Rocket League, and they do it well. Each come with 6 decals and will be released on…
ANNOUNCEMENT 27 Apr 2016­ by Tomer S.

Rocket League’s “Hoops” Now Available!

The basketball themed game-mode for Rocket League which we’ve already talked about  has been launched for the fans to play! You can battle online in 2v2 matches against friends or strangers alike, dunking, sliding and jumping all over the place. With basic rules like the traditional game, Hoops has countless hours of entertainment to offer.…
ANNOUNCEMENT 21 Apr 2016­ by Tomer S.

Get Ready To Shoot Some Hoops In Rocket League

Race to the ball because Psyonix has just announced a release date for Rocket League’s brand new “Hoops” mode! They’ve been teasing us with this mode for a while now and after a long wait we can confirm “Hoops” will be launched as a free update on April 26th 2016. To go alongside this brand…
NEWS 03 Mar 2016­ by Jordan Fong

Welcome to the Rocket League Championship Series

If you know anything about me, you’ve noticed I like Rocket League. I loved it back when I reviewed it and do most of the news about the game. The game has only been improving with more and varied content made with consistent quality. So believe me when I say that I’m pretty excited to…