ANNOUNCEMENT 06 Sep 2016­ by L Coulsen

ReCore ReLease TrAiler

With just a tad shy of a week to go, Microsoft have given us a brief look at the kind of game ReCore has developed into. Showing a clear emphasis on platforming, especially via combined use of a grapple gun and the dog type robot companion. The latter running along vertical surfaces with you bobbing…
ANNOUNCEMENT 17 Aug 2016­ by Jordan Fong

ReCore @ Gamescom

ReCore has been an announced game for Xbox One for some time now, but thanks to Microsoft’s recent attempts at integrating Xbox One with the Windows 10, it was confirmed to be coming to PC as well. Yet they still call it exclusive, wrap your head around that one. As we already know ReCore’s primary…
NEWS 13 Jun 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

E3: Microsoft 2016

It’s that time of the year again, in which the entire gaming press converges on Los Angeles to discover new games, consoles, and more from (arguably) gaming’s largest trade show. Though the necessity of E3 has been debated in recent years, it doesn’t stop companies from releasing a whole glut of news, and Microsoft is…