ANNOUNCEMENT 03 Feb 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Final Judgement in Oculus vs ZeniMax Lawsuit

A long-running feud between Facebook (owners of the Oculus Rift) and Bethesda’s parent company ZeniMax, reached a head on Monday, as a jury awarded $500 million in damages to ZeniMax. Though ZeniMax sought $2 billion in total damages, and the $500 million is unlikely to make a dent in Facebook’s capital, which stood at roughly…
NEWS 16 Apr 2016­ by Jordan Fong

Rift Games? On My Vive? It’s More Likely Than You Think

We were afraid this might be coming, Oculus’ Rift and HTC’s Vive are slowly dividing the PC’s player base. Between the new Oculus Home that’s tracking user behaviour and the pre-existing Steam client we all know and love. Reddit user “CrossVR” has taken it upon himself to create “Revive” and get a couple Rift games…
ANNOUNCEMENT 11 Apr 2016­ by Jordan Fong

Oculus Information Logging Catches US Senator’s Eye

Oculus and Facebook are digging themselves a hole of alarming depth. Currently, they stand perilously close to the hole they’ve dug themselves. USA, Minnesota Senator Al Franken has taken attention to the seemingly unnecessary logging and has personally written to Brandon Irebe, CEO of Oculus. When I first heard of the issue, I knew it…
NEWS 02 Apr 2016­ by Jordan Fong

Oculus and Their Good Friends Facebook Are Watching, Always

Whether you use it or not, we all know Facebook’s antics. Always watching what you’re doing, having some mischief with their mobile chat app last year, they always want to know what to advertise to you, and surely want to know as much about you as possible. It comes to no surprise to me that…
ANNOUNCEMENT 18 Mar 2016­ by Jordan Fong

Oculus Presents a Wonderful Launch Lineup

We’re only a couple day away from the VR revolution, well at least I wish we were. To scratch the itch and relieve our impatience (or strengthen it) just a bit Oculus has released a list of 30 launch titles, which you can find below, coming out the day of the Rift’s first day of…