NEWS 13 Jun 2024­ by L Coulsen

Squad Update 8.0 is Mostly About Vehicles

Tanks, specifically, though not exclusively. You can get the full deets, down below, in the press release or via patch notes on Steam and the game's website. But there is most certainly a focus on tanks. Specifically, how to shiv them up. With big boomings.
NEWS 09 Feb 2024­ by L Coulsen

Squad Gets a New Map and More

I don't think it's at all coincidental that the latest map, Sanxian, is dropping around now. You know what I'm getting at. Anyhoo, it's not the only thing that's changing. You can see the full deets down below, but suffice it to say, there's been some working done on the server browser. Which is never…
NEWS 24 Nov 2022­ by L Coulsen

Squad Goes to China

Squad has been around for a while, now. Over two years. And in that time, it's built up a strong playerbase. Notably, Chinese players have taken to it with gusto. So here they come with update 4.0 which adds The People's Liberation Army. A pretty hefty shake-up, we must agree.