Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 – Blackout Mode Free Access

Black Ops 4's battle royale mode, Blackout, is now available to play for free until the end of the month on all platforms. All the speed and tight shooting of a Call Of Duty game, but on a big map and with dozens of other players trying to kill you. Check out the press release…

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 – Blackout Gameplay Trailer

Check out the new Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 gameplay trailer for its upcoming battle royale type mode, Blackout. There's also a “private beta” on PlayStation 4 starting 10 September for those included. The rest of us will have to wait until 12 October 2018 when the game releases.
NEWS 18 May 2018­ by Jay Shaw

Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 Reveal Info

Last night Treyarch revealed their next entry in the Call Of Duty Black Ops series. The fourth instalment has been surrounded by rumours of a battle royale mode and lack of single-player campaign for quite some time. While we're refrained from speculating until official word came in we can now confirm that those rumours were…
ANNOUNCEMENT 18 May 2017­ by Max Halcomb

Call of Duty: Zombie Chronicles Gameplay Trailer Reveal

Here’s a treat for the Call of Duty Zombie fans out there. The Zombie Chronicles DLC brings 8 previously released Zombie maps to Black Ops III, remastered and updated to fit the Black Ops III setting. The DLC includes Nacht der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, Kino Der Toten, Ascension, Shangri-La, Moon and Origins. It…
NEWS 09 May 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Chronicling the Baffling World of Black Ops 3’s Zombie…

Confirming rumors and leaks from late April, Activision has announced Call of Duty: Black Ops III Zombies Chronicles, an anthology of maps from previous Call of Duty games. Featuring three maps from World at War, four maps from Black Ops, and one map from Black Ops II. Zombies Chronicles offers up the entire mind-bending, utterly confusing…
ANNOUNCEMENT 08 Oct 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Black Ops 3 Fourth DLC Now Available on PC

Coming almost a month after the fourth and final DLC for Black Ops 3 released on PS4, Salvation has finally launched on Xbox One and PC. As part of Activision’s somewhat newly-minted timed exclusivity deal with Sony, PS4 players got the chance to practice their chops on four new maps, along with the conclusion to…
ANNOUNCEMENT 28 Sep 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Black Ops 3’s Modding Tools Now in Open Beta

Beginning with the Closed Alpha of the Modding Tools back in April, Treyarch has finally delivered on something they promised would come with the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 over a year ago. With several months of development time behind them, all owners of Black Ops 3 can now check out custom…
ANNOUNCEMENT 06 Sep 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Catch a Glimpse of the Maps in Black Ops 3’s Salvation

Four maps, four DLC packs. It’s been an interesting year for Call of Duty, as they face increasing criticism for Infinite Warfare from the rabid YouTube hordes, but many are still looking forward to Black Ops 3 extra content. Treyarch delivers with four new maps, and a zombies mode covered previously. The first, Outlaw, is…
ANNOUNCEMENT 01 Sep 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

The Day of Reckoning Has Arrived in Black Ops 3: Revelations

A tear in the very fabric of spacetime sends four heroes confronting an ancient evil and his innumerable minions. No, this isn’t an advertisement for the latest Final Fantasy game, this is the final map in the Treyarch Zombies storyline, begun in World at War. Channelling elements of every map released prior, along with every…
ANNOUNCEMENT 27 Aug 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Black Ops III DLC and the Zombies Storyline Comes to an End

Salvation PS4 first on September 6th. Representing nearly a year of timed exclusive DLC with Sony for the Call of Duty franchise, the fourth and final DLC pack as part of the cheaper Season Pass. In it are two new maps, and two redux versions, one being a remake of “Standoff” from Black Ops…
ANNOUNCEMENT 13 Aug 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Black Ops III Descent Hits PC

A month after the release on PS4, the latest DLC for Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Descent, has landed on PC. The latest content pack contains four multiplayer maps: Empire, Berserk, Cryogen and Rumble as well as the latest zombies Origins chapter Gorod Krovi.
ANNOUNCEMENT 13 Jul 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Black Ops III Descent DLC

Bringing three new maps, a reimagined map, and another chapter in the Zombies saga, Black Ops III’s latest DLC pack, Descent, arrives today. The three new maps are: Cryogen, a robotics facility set on an ocean platform; Rumble, a battle arena with discarded giant robots, and Berserk, a Viking village trapped in time. Empire is…
ANNOUNCEMENT 02 Jun 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Black Ops III’s Zombies’ The Giant Now a Standalone …

Owing to a news post via Activision’s Scott Lowe, the Call of Duty: Black Ops III Zombies map “The Giant,” which in and of itself was a remaster of World at War’s “Der Riese”, is now available for standalone purchase. Previously, one had to buy any number of the deluxe editions, or buy the season…
ANNOUNCEMENT 21 Apr 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Black Ops 3 Mod Tools Enters Alpha

In a very brief post written on the Treyarch Community website, John Rafacz, Communications/Social Media Director for Treyarch, has revealed that the Closed Alpha test has begun for Black Ops 3’s mod tools. The alpha testing period is expected to last several months, whereupon testing will move into the open beta phase, based on feedback…