This came as a huge surprise just earlier today, it seems the lovely people over at THQ Nordic have been smitten by Cupid’s arrow six months early, just bursting at the seams to share with fans (both old and new) some amazing news. In celebration of the 10 year anniversary of their critically acclaimed and much beloved, Greek mythology inspired Action RPG Hack-n-Slash title, Titan Quest, comes a special treat for all those who own one of their Titan Quest titles on Steam. If you would direct yourself over to your lovely Steam collection, you just might notice something newly listed. THQ Nordic took it upon themselves to surprise launch Titan Quest: Anniversary Edition for the low, low price of $0 dollars. Yarp, you read that correctly, it’s absolutely free!
Over one million happy Steam users have been gifted a free copy of an overhauled and completely reworked collection of both Titan Quest and its expansion, Titan Quest: Immortal Throne. Boasting well over 1,200 multi-player, balancing, AI, stability and performance changes over the original version from 2006. You really have to give it to THQ Nordic for this extremely generous gift, heck, it didn’t even require us to make an offering to the gods! That’s not all, they haven’t forgoten about those of us whom never grabbed a copy of the game for ourselves on Steam. The “non-believers” out there are also receiving some good ol’ fashioned McLovin’ with a 75% off, week long special price offering. I strongly suggest you stop reading this and hurry on over to Steam and get yourself an amazing deal for just $4.99 USD. Thanks to THQ Nordic for showing us gamers how you properly treat your fan base!
*Begrudgingly glances over at Square Enix & Hello Games…cough, you guys could learn a thing or two.
Vienna (Austria), August 31st: THQ Nordic releases a surprise title on Steam called Titan Quest Anniversary Edition for the game’s 10-year-anniversary and gifts the game to everyone calling either Titan Quest, Titan Quest: Immortal Throne or Titan Quest Gold their own on Steam. So, in numbers, more than 1 million people will automatically find the game in their library starting today.
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition contains both Titan Quest and Titan Quest: Immortal Throne which have been completely reworked in terms of multiplayer, stability, performance, balancing, AI and much more. In rough numbers, this translates to roughly 1.261 changes to the original version 10 years ago.
For the detailed changelog, refer to this link:
“What about the rest of us?”
“But what about those who do not have the game yet (because they were too young when it came it or had a really bad taste in games etc.) – don’t we get something for free?” we hear you scream.
No we did not forget about you. YOU very special people have the golden opportunity to get the game ALMOST for free! 😉 Beginning today, THQ Nordic offers 75% off the Titan Quest Anniversary Edition for one week. This means USD/EUR 4.99 for the whole lot (regular price after the first week: USD/EUR 19.99).
Steam Link for Titan Quest Anniversary Edition:
One Question: “Why?”
Before someone comes around asking why we give our games out for free (or almost for free if you want), here’s a quick explanation: After our name change from “Nordic Games” to “THQ Nordic”, we wanted a running start for our new identity and had to think about how to begin the new era with the most positive connotation possible (for a publisher).
So, many months ago, we had a conversation in our marketing department which went something like this:
“Guys, what can we do to make people like us and stay with our brands?”
“Easy, we just have to be grateful. Remember, without them, we would be nothing.”
“And how should we show gratitude?”
“Free stuff… I guess. Everyone likes free stuff.”
“Well then, give them free stuff, for f***’s sake”
So, that’s basically where we are now.
Images > Text
In German we have a saying that goes “Schuster, bleib bei deinen Leisten” which can roughly be translated to “Cobbler, stick to your trade”, but as our graphics department is busy at the moment, we had to resort to our extraordinary Paint skills and drew the instructions of how you can get the Titan Quest Anniversary Edition for all of you choosing graphic novels over text books.
#nohate #ididmybest #thqnordiclovesyou #amidoingthisright
Well… we hope that you are satisfied with our way to say THANK YOU and wish you a great time showing ‘em titans who the boss is.
Yours truly,
THQ Nordic
About Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
For its 10 year anniversary, Titan Quest will shine in new splendour. This Anniversary Edition combines both Titan Quest and Titan Quest: Immortal Throne in one game, and has been given a massive overhaul for the ultimate ARPG experience.
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