The Division’s Massive 1.4 Update Patch Notes

Posted on 27 Oct 2016 by
David Pink

Ubisoft seems to have been hard at work the last few months cooking up the biggest update to Tom Clancy’s The Division to date. This hugely anticipated 1.4 update is absolutely massive, bringing with it a metric ton of optimizations, tweaks, fixes, new features and much, much more.

As I mentioned previously about update 1.4, this patch is an accumulation of the gaming communities’ feedback and the team behind The Division determination and hard work to further polish and restore life into the once booming franchise.

With the previous large updates to the game both bringing some much needed tweaks, fixes and features, since Update 1.2 and Update 1.3, The Division has seen  an influx of players returning and enjoying the game once again. However, these were all short lived and the player base quickly declined once again. Ubisoft hopes to change things up this time around with 1.4, claiming it to be a game changer.

To be honest, I haven’t touched The Division since 1.3, as most of my friends have stopped playing it by then, but to my surprise, most of them have returned and have unanimously praised the direction the game is headed. Stating that the newest patch has revitalized the series and has massively improved upon almost every facet of the game. From the sounds of it thus far, people are enjoying the new content, heck, I’d be lying if I said that it didn’t have me contemplating a return to the plaque ridden world New York City warzone.

Whether the newest update is the be-all, end-all of awesomeness, that’s for each of us to decide, it’s only been two days since the patch has been available for update via Uplay and Steam services, time will tell if this new direction The Division team has taken will pay off in the end.

The following list is only a tiny fraction of what’s included with Patch 1.4, I urge you to check out the full patch notes, be warned… grab yourself a coffee or another beverage of choice before you dig in, there is a lot to absorb and will take a while to get through.

New Feature: 4 World Tiers

  • Tier 1: Lvl 30 enemies, 163 Gear rewards
  • Tier 2: Lvl 31 enemies, 182 Gear rewards
  • Tier 3: Lvl 32 enemies, 204 Gear rewards
  • Tier 4: Lvl 33 enemies, 229 Gear rewards

UI Improvements

  • Buyback option at Vendors
  • Weapon Skins no longer take inventory space (finally…)
  • Crafting materials bulk conversion (yay)
  • Mods now have “mark as junk” option
  • Players can deconstruct items from Stash

Gameplay Changes

  • Vast improvements to enemy and NPC AI
  • Lvl 30+ players ammo capacity increase by 50%
  • High-End crafting material drops at Base of Operation after Lvl 30
  • Scavenging stat has now been removed from the game, no longer applicable
  • Rogue icons on map change size in proximity of player, larger the closer they are
  • Player health regenerates to full out of combat over time
  • Roaming NPC groups and bosses are now back in the overworld (long live Bulletking!)

Loot & Rewards

  • All NPCs now have a chance to drop Gear Set and High-End items
  • Newly added Lvl 33 mods and 229 Gear Score blueprints
  • Various weapon prices have been decreased
  • Removed Phoenix Credit Vendor from Tech Wing at the Base of Operations
  • Division Tech is no long a requirement for High-End/Gear Set blueprints

Bug fixes

  • Players will no longer get stuck on ladders when jumping on it from sprinting
  • NPCs no longer can shoot players through doors while being opened
  • Skill cooldowns being stuck indefinitely under certain situations
  • Self-casting First Aid while aiming down will no longer fall through the ground (about time)
  • Player/Background turning dark while browsing inventory in appearance tab
  • Settings shouldn’t reset after game restart (thankfully)
  • World Level Tier tutorial shouldn’t show up when entering terminal anymore

Comments (2)

Posts: 166
David Pink
Posted 27 Oct 2016, 23:49
Those were my words, still contemplating making the room for it, with the death of that last HDD< for once, in years, I have to be a little choosy with the huge games lol, cause I can't have less then 200 games installed at once for some reason... lol :D

Posts: 133
Simon Sirmenis
Posted 27 Oct 2016, 22:05
Well this got me interested and that's already saying a lot already.