…and the British are the baddies, because of course. Well, okay, the story side of For Honor is kicked off by one specific group of knights who want to make everyone kill each other so only the strongest will survive? But that’s not the real question.
The interesting part is that, it seems, perhaps, there is an in universe explanation for why the three factions are all fighting both with and against each other. As in, why individual soldiers from a faction will work alongside one another. One line that caught my attention was about recruiting “our enemies to fight for us”. When coupled with a clearly Caucasian character shown in Samurai garb later in the above trailer…they’re imposters masquerading as different factions to stir up chaos? Perhaps some are individually bribed. No one group is ever a hegemony after all.
Ubisoft has mentioned recently that future DLC modes and maps will be given to players absolutely free, which is nice. There’s also an open Beta incoming shortly, the Technical Test is winding down as we speak, and we also have videos for three of the six newly added character classes to wet your appetite while we wait.
For Honor is due to arrive on February 14th, 2017, so I guess we’ll find the answers to the above questions and more soon enough.
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