Last night was the big livestream reveal for the upcoming Destiny 2 expansion, Curse Of Osiris. It’s quite a lengthy video but thankfully we’ve got the handy bullet-point list for you if you don’t fancy sitting through the video. There’s still an insane amount to get through so lets crack on Guardians:
Curse Of Osiris will be focusing on an old, mysterious Guardian who trained Ikora Rey, called Osiris. The Vex will be making a return as the main villains with models of Vex machines from the past, present, and future. It’ll be set several months after the Red War and the Traveler has reawakened, shooting a wave of light that spread across the solar system, which has triggered a Vex gateway on Mercury where they’re amassing from all over time for some secretive master plan.
Central to the plot will be the titular Osiris, Ikora Rey, and two new characters along with the first female ghost voiced by Morena Baccarin:
OSIRIS: With Curse of Osiris, Bungie wanted to put the character of Osiris front and center, as “The greatest Warlock that ever lived”. You will discover who he is, what he’s doing on Mercury, and what he took with him when he was exiled.
SAGIRA: Sagira, voiced by Morena Baccarin, is our first female ghost. She has an outspoken personality and thinks that the Guardians take themselves too seriously.
IKORA: Ikora makes a return to the story. She is starting to explore what she needs to be to become a stronger leader, as well as who she is as a human.
BROTHER VANCE: Brother Vance has returned to the lighthouse to guide the player, joined by other disciples who are eager to herald the return of Osiris.
As we previously mentioned, Mercury will be the new patrol zone with all the bells and whistles you’d expect. There’s also The Infinite Forest mission that will change every time you play it, allowing you to engage unpredictable combinations of aliens across a shifting landscape. The Infinite Forest is a network of machines in the core of Mercury, the big pillars we’ve previously seen in trailers are the titular “trees” that allow the Vex to simulate different timelines to find one where they can eradicate life from the universe.
Additionally there’ll be the new Lighthouse hub, which will act as the player hub for the Mercury segment. Everybody will be able to go there. Players level caps have also been raised; the standard level has been raised from 20 to 25 and Light/Power level has been raised to a new cap of 330 (or 335 with all mods).
Lastly we’ve got the new Raid Lair which will take place on the Leviathan. It’ll offer new areas to explore, new encounters, rewards, and a brand new boss for Guardians to do battle with. The Raid Lair is intended to be an activity that doesn’t take as long to complete as a full raid but is intended to be just as difficult. This new feature will be further expanded in the next expansion with a second Raid Lair that will take players to new areas of Calus’ ship. Defeating the Raid Lair will reward you with new guns, armour, and cosmetics for each run.
Summary: Players learn about the narratives, the characters, the settings, and the stakes.
With Curse of Osiris, Bungie are offering players mystery, adventure, new activities to play, new gear to earn, and new destinations to explore
We’ll find out more about who Osiris is and his backstory. The Vex also have a master plan…but what is it?
The story is set a few months post the Red War. The reawakening of the Traveler has had repercussions – a wave of light that spread across the solar system and beyond. This has activated a gateway the Vex are using to assemble on Mercury from the past, present, and future. Ikora needs a hero to investigate, so turns to her most trusted Gaurdian – the player character who brought her back from Io.
New destinations: The stream shows in-game exploration of new destinations – Mercury and The Infinite Forest
Raid Lair:
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