ANNOUNCEMENT 08 Sep 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Get Intimate With the Titans in Titanfall 2

Before we get to more personal introductions, let’s get comfortable with customizing our Titanfall 2 titans, soldiers, and weaponry. Dozens of patterns, colors and camouflages offer an array of options to make every player and titan unique and memorable on the battlefield, along with also possibly masking your presence by blending in with the scenery.…
ANNOUNCEMENT 31 Aug 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Meet the New Titans of Titanfall 2

With six new titans entering the fray, each with their own set of offensive and defensive capabilities, Respawn looks to outfit pilots with a new array of 40-ton titans at their disposal. The first is Legion, boasting a massive chaingun, which it can use to spear enemy titans and lay down supressing fire, followed by…
ANNOUNCEMENT 20 Aug 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

No Titanfall 2 Beta for You, PC

EA/Respawn are running a Titanfall 2 Alpha/Beta thingie called Tech Test this and next weekends but unfortunately it’s a console exclusive. All we get on PC is to watch this rather nice looking trailer. The official reason, and in this case I have to admit it doesn’t sound like a marketing bs, is that Respawn…
ANNOUNCEMENT 13 Aug 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Another Look at Titanfall 2’s Single-Player

Building off of the original footage released around E3, Titanfall 2 is looking to ramp up discussion of its single player campaign, with another brief trailer coming out. Moving away from the online-only single player found in the first game, Titanfall 2 moves to provide a more story-driven experience, as we step into the shoes…
NEWS 13 Jun 2016­ by L Coulsen

E3: EA Conference 2016

So it’s E3, in case you didn’t know. And EA kicked off the event in a, frankly, barely lukewarm manner. In the sixty minute run time, there were certainly a lot of words, but very little actually said. It wasn’t what one would call a terrible presentation, but it was most decidedly underwhelming. Falling short…
NEWS 10 Jun 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Titanfall 2 E3 Teaser

In a tweet from the official Titanfall twitter page, there’s some brief footage of drop pods careening towards unknown planets, and a mech flexing one of its hands. Of course, if the fact that Titanfall 2 exists at all is news to you, well, EA did confirm roughly two months ago that it was in…
ANNOUNCEMENT 11 May 2016­ by L Coulsen

EA, What’s All This Then?

Things are looking up for EA right now. Not merely financially (Battlefront moved fourteen million units) but with gamers alike. They seem to be moving back towards their “maybe we should give our customers what they want?” approach to fleecing us for every penny. Something they have a habit of doing about once a decade.…
ANNOUNCEMENT 11 Apr 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Titanfall 2 Announced

Out of nowhere EA just announced that Titanfall 2 is a thing. It probably surprised no one as the rumours were floating around for some time but now it’s official. There is very little to go by, just a short teaser clip that shows a pod and a Titan. The interesting thing to note is…