NEWS 11 Jun 2019­ by L Coulsen

E3: PC Gaming Show 2019

Continuing the trend began a few years back, PC Gamer were once again in attendance, representing, well, PC Gaming. Hosted by Sean 'Day[9]' Plott and Frankie Ward, this year it's 'powered by' the Epic Games Store, which already sets out leaving a sour taste in many mouths. But let's put all that aside and focus…
REVIEWS 21 Aug 2018­ by L Coulsen

Shenmue 1 and 2

Shenmue boasts itself as “the saga that defined modern gaming”. Which is a bold claim indeed, and one that is far more apt than many may realise. Though it has long remained something of a niche title, due to being formerly exclusive to the ill-fated SEGA Dreamcast, with the second later seeing an original Xbox…

Shenmue 3 Release Date Revealed

The long awaited Shenmue 3 has had its release date revealed in the opening ceremony of Gamescom 2018. Don’t worry, you’ve got time to get through Shenmue 1 & 2, because Shenmue 3 isn’t launching until 27 August 2019.

Shenmue – Combat & Mini Games Trailer

Ah Shenmue, a classic tale of revenge and Jiu Jitsu. It’s not all serious murderer chasing though, Ryo finds plenty of time to play darts, arcade machines, drive forklift trucks, and race ducks because Shenmue 1 & 2 are absolutely magical games and pioneers of the faff-about genre that more recent titles like GTA and…
NEWS 01 Aug 2018­ by L Coulsen

What is Shenmue? Video Series – Part 1: Story

Narrated by HazkuiRyo himself, Corey Marshall, we have the first in a video series that will introduce, and re-introduce, us to the world of Shenmue. Set to release later this month, August 21st, for the first time on the PC. This first video takes a look at the story, though it doesn't actually go into much…

Shenmue 1 & 2 – Return to Dobuita Street Trailer

It's no secret the classic Shenmue games are set in real locations and none were represented as close to reality as Dobuita Street. Check out the new trailer above to get a look at the game's iconic location in real-life. Shenmue 1 & 2 launches on 21 August 2018.

Shenmue 1 & 2 Release Date

The classic two Shenmue games have now got a solid release date for their PC outing: 21 August 2018. A 10% pre-order discount will be available via Steam also. Are you excited to get sidetracked and drive a fork-truck? Let us know!
NEWS 16 Apr 2018­ by Jay Shaw

Shenmue 1 and 2 Coming to PC

If you've ever known a Dreamcast owner, you know there's only one series of games they ever want to talk about: Shenmue. That's because Shenmue is an absolute masterpiece where you get to drive a forklift and race a duck you found in a tree. Oh, and have an epic kung-fu adventure avenging your father's…
NEWS 29 Sep 2017­ by L Coulsen

Shenmue III: The Face of Things to Come

The latest dev diary for Shenmue III gives us a quick look at how facial animations are coming along. Almost certainly done in response to comments made after the previous video showed everyone looking a tad lifeless and wooden. They're still a little rough around the edges to be sure, but there's definitely progress being…

Shenmue III Shows off its New Duds

Yes friends, it is here, finally. We have a look at what Shenmue III will actually look like, as a game. Courtesy of some footage taken from a still in development build of the game. It shows mostly Ryo and Shenhua in some sweeping shots, but also seems to have direct, in game footage of…

Shenmue III to be Published by Deep Silver

Because Deep Silver clearly haven't published enough games, today we can confirm that they are working with Ys Net to bring Shenmue III to all the eager gamers who want to know where sailors hang out. The below press release focuses mainly on the PlayStation 4, which makes sense since that will see a more…