NEWS 25 Aug 2021­ by Jay Shaw

Gamescom 2021: Official Xbox Stream

Last night Microsoft took to the stage to show off a bunch of upcoming games. Though nominally aimed at the console crowd, there’s near complete crossover between the Xbox and PC these days so there’s plenty of interest to see. As usual the full show is above and we’ll have individual games below. Dying Light…
NEWS 14 Jun 2021­ by Jay Shaw

E3: Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase 2021

Microsoft and Bethesda – two companies that usually put on decent shows separately are now one and the same. Is it going to result in a super-show that conquers the world like an atomic monster? Probably not, but we predict plenty of interesting games. As usual, the full show is above and the games are…
NEWS 11 Jun 2018­ by L Coulsen

E3: Microsoft 2018

Oh boy, where do we begin? This has, far and away, been Microsoft's best ever E3 presentation. Featuring 50 games! Yes, you read that right, five-zero. That's a lot of gaming. A great deal of which will be coming to the PC via the UWP. Because there are so many of them, we're not going…
NEWS 13 Jun 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

E3: PC Gaming Show 2017

With Intel supplanting AMD as the lead sponsor for PC Gamer's conference, hosted by Sean “Day9” Plott as he returns for the third installment of the PC Gaming Show at E3. A whole list of games, some new reveals and a few surprises all make for a good conference, and this year's PC centric event…
NEWS 12 Jun 2017­ by Max Halcomb

E3: Microsoft 2017

I'm a huge gamer who looks forward to E3 every single year. I don’t know if it’s the aching for new games or the great potential the many announcements bring for toilet reading... whatever it is, I just can't get enough of it. And today in the world of gaming we had Microsoft’s conference confirming…
NEWS 13 Jun 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

E3: Microsoft 2016

It’s that time of the year again, in which the entire gaming press converges on Los Angeles to discover new games, consoles, and more from (arguably) gaming’s largest trade show. Though the necessity of E3 has been debated in recent years, it doesn’t stop companies from releasing a whole glut of news, and Microsoft is…