NEWS 20 Aug 2021­ by Jay Shaw

QuakeCon 2021 Day 1

The yearly QuakeCon event is happening this week and while we’re a day behind it does allow us to take a look at the full show. Perhaps most interesting from day one is another look and some info about Deathloop. As usual for these things, you can watch the full show in the embed above…
NEWS 28 Aug 2020­ by Jay Shaw

Gamescom 2020: Opening Night Live

Last night was the opening night of Gamescom 2020 and boy did they show a truckload of games. As usual, you can find the whole two and a half hour stream above and, if you don't fancy wading through that, we've got coverage of individual games below. Let's get to it! Scarlet Nexus Starting off…

Doom Eternal – The Ancient Gods Campaign Expansion Announc…

QuakeCon happened over the weekend and while we were too busy melting in the UK heatwave, we're happy to finally notice that Doom Eternal will be receiving a campaign expansion called The Ancient Gods Part One. You can watch the 30 second teaser trailer above but for more information we're going to have to wait…

Doom Eternal – Launch Trailer

Bethesda have released a launch trailer for upcoming demon demolishing FPS Doom Eternal. You can check out the new trailer above or press release below for more info. Doom Eternal releases on 20 March 2020 for PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Stadia.

Doom Eternal – Trailer Number Two

The second official trailer for Doom Eternal has released and it has both rip and tear as well as brief look at the Doom Slayer's face. Check it out above. Doom Eternal is releasing on 30 March 2020 on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia. A Switch release will happen later.

Doom Eternal – Doom 64 Joins Pre-Order Bonuses

This might take the sting out of the Doom Eternal delay somewhat: Doom 64 will be part of the pre-order package for the game all the way up to its release on 20 March 2020. Check out the press release below for more info.

Doom Eternal Delayed

id Software's Doom Eternal has had its release date pushed back several months to 20 March 2020. Check out the press release below for more info.
NEWS 10 Jun 2019­ by Jay Shaw

E3: Bethesda 2019

Bethesda will be taking to the floor at 1:30AM BST for their E3 show. Grab a midnight cup of tea, get comfy, and check back because the post will be getting updated throughout the show.

Doom Eternal – 25 Years Of Doom Trailer

It's been 25 years since the original Doom was released and changed the way we play FPS games forever. Additionally, there's a Doom Eternal Zombie DOOM Slayer skin available for people who sign up to the Slayers Club via the URL in the press release below.
NEWS 11 Aug 2018­ by Jay Shaw

Doom Eternal Gameplay Reveal

We got quite the treat from QuakeCon last night – twenty-five minutes of Doom Eternal! We were introduced to some new guns like the Ballista, an explosive bolt rifle; and returning favourites like the Rocket Launcher, Plasma Rifle, and Super Shotgun which now has a new bladed attachment called the Meat Hook. The Doom Slayer…
NEWS 11 Jun 2018­ by Sawyer Scherbenske

E3: Bethesda 2018

We went into E3 expecting Bethesda to be all about Fallout 76. That was their big, obvious title, but ended up getting a lot more than we expected. Bethesda is clearly sticking with what their good with, RPG’s and shooters, but they went above and beyond when they showed glimpses into the future of Wolfenstein,…

DOOM – Update 6.66 Trailer

Fashionably late, today Bethesda released a trailer for the recently release DOOM Update 6.66. While this update mainly focuses on MP, about which very few of us actually care, it makes the previously buy-to-play DLC free, and free stuff is always appreciated. If you are interested in the update, please check out our previous Update…

Take a Trip to Hell With DOOM’s 6.66 Update

Bethesda's wildly popular, frantic fast-paced, demon-killing FPS of 2016, DOOM, is heading back to Hell with tomorrow's release of the aptly titled 'Update 6.66'. Boasting a hellish amount of general improvements, game tweaks, SnapMap fixes, various multiplayer features, a Free Trial Weekend, and last but not least, slashing the games base price by over 50…
NEWS 12 Jun 2017­ by Sawyer Scherbenske

E3: Bethesda 2017

While the Microsoft’s press conferance was shocking and surprising with titles like Ori and the Will of the Wisps and a Dragon Ball Z fighting game made by ArcSys, Bethesda went with its old and trusty classics to carry the weight into E3 like Rocky goes into boxing rings; with heavy hitters, some classics, and what…