Dishonored Death Of The Outsider Launch Trailer

Tomorrow marks the release of Dishonored Death Of The Outsider. How appropriate then that there's a launch trailer conveniently available to watch above. Billie Lurk has a serious bone to pick with The Outsider, and as we've seen before she's very good at picking things, with stabs. She's good at stabbing things... Yeah... Dishonored Death…

Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider The Ultimate Target Traile…

In the Dishonored universe The Outsider is a supernatural being that appears neither good nor evil, he's the one who bestows his powers upon Corvo in the first game and again on his daughter in the sequel. Billie Lurk isn't so impressed however and is on a mission to stab The Outsider in his stupid…

Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider Rampage Through Karnaca Ga…

We like the Dishonored games here at Pixel Judge, we have quite the affinity for any game that lets you play a bit of knifey-throaty, it truly is the sport of gentlemen. This new gameplay trailer is helmed by StealtGamerBR, we've no idea who he is but he's got some slick moves in Dishonored 2's…

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Wants you to Kill a God

With Arkane Studios upcoming standalone DLC, you will be on a quest to kill a God. Though, is the Outsider actually a God or just some dude who was sacrificed to become what he's now? We really don't know a whole lot about this character and I hope this standalone expansion will change exactly that.…
NEWS 12 Jun 2017­ by Sawyer Scherbenske

E3: Bethesda 2017

While the Microsoft’s press conferance was shocking and surprising with titles like Ori and the Will of the Wisps and a Dragon Ball Z fighting game made by ArcSys, Bethesda went with its old and trusty classics to carry the weight into E3 like Rocky goes into boxing rings; with heavy hitters, some classics, and what…
ANNOUNCEMENT 07 Apr 2017­ by Jordan Fong

Become the Assassin You Never Were, But Everyone Thought You…

Okay, run on sentences aside, where I try to make jokes and then finally it does work, I bet it wasn’t very obvious what game I was talking about just by the title, or maybe it was obvious? Dishonored 2 came out November 11th last year, but that’s not stopping them from jumping on the…
ANNOUNCEMENT 23 Jan 2017­ by K-putt

Dishonored 2’s New Update Brings Custom Difficulty and…

After the games bumpy start and multiple beta patches, we finally get the second non-beta patch for Dishonored 2. You're now able to customize the difficulty to your liking, disable quick save, change how many goons attack you at once, the damage you take or even how loud your footsteps are. In addition to this,…
ANNOUNCEMENT 15 Dec 2016­ by Stephen Haselden

Dishonored 2 Sees New Game Plus With Free Update

The update titled, Game Update 1, will be launched Monday the 19th of December. This New Game Plus update aims to add more longevity to Dishonored 2 by unlocking more abilities once you’ve completed the game, and giving you more choice in how you “tool up” your character. With more updates being planned for January and onward,…
ANNOUNCEMENT 06 Dec 2016­ by David Pink

Dishonored 2 Patch 1.3 Now Available

After almost a month since its release, Arkane Studios have graced Dishonored 2 fans with another new update with high hopes of improving general performance for players, as well as improving their current standing on Steam. Since being released, a large number of players have been suffering from various performance issues, which undoubtedly has been a large…
ANNOUNCEMENT 09 Nov 2016­ by David Pink

Dishonored 2 Official Launch Trailer Released

Before we begin today, let me just have one moment of silence for the United State of America...a strong ally and older brother of the magnificently majestic and marvelous maple syrup loving Canadaland. We had our differences but in the end we were alike in many ways. I speak on all of Canada's behalf in…
ANNOUNCEMENT 02 Nov 2016­ by David Pink

Dishonored 2 Latest Trailer and PC Settings Revealed

With less then 10 days to go before its launch, Bethesda and Arkane Studios are pleased to announce that their upcoming sequel, Dishonored 2, has gone gold! Celebrating the upcoming release day and it's new 'Gold' status, we're treated to the newest narrative Dishonored 2 trailer, titled 'Book of Karnaca' starring our old friend, The Outsider.…
ANNOUNCEMENT 24 Oct 2016­ by David Pink

Dishonored 2 Gets a Glorious Live Action Trailer

Arkane Studios and Bethesda have just released an epic live action trailer to build up the hype for their highly anticipated upcoming sequel to the Dishonored saga. The amazing trailer above, titled ‘Take Back What’s Yours’ attempts to give us a look at the determination and struggle our returning supernatural assassin, Corvo Attano, and his daughter,…
ANNOUNCEMENT 07 Oct 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Meet Your New Home in Dishonored 2

Taking place in Karnaca, a city rich with culture and diversity, Dishonored 2 looks to expand on the visual and technological style established in the first game, while still carrying the “Dishonored look.” Geographically distinct from the first game’s Dunwall, Karnaca is meant to be the collision of a number of cultures, peoples and histories,…
ANNOUNCEMENT 30 Sep 2016­ by David Pink

Dishonored 2 Keeping the Chaos on the Down Low

Yesterday we saw a sweet gameplay trailer showcasing a ‘high chaos’ run through one of the missions in Bethesda & Arkane Studios upcoming sequel, Dishonored 2. Today we are greeted to yet another sweet trailer, but this time showcasing a ‘low chaos’ stealthier run of the Clockwork Mansion. Emily Kaldwin non-lethally takes down soldiers as she…