NEWS 06 May 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Battlefield 1 Takes on the Great War

DICE and EA have final revealed Battlefield 1. In spectacular fashion, I might add. Leaks surrounding the nature of the latest entry in the Battlefield franchise reached a crescendo this morning, with packaging and release dates coming from a variety of sources. Regardless, we were treated to a visual feast this afternoon, via a livestreamed…
ANNOUNCEMENT 05 May 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Brief Battlefield Teaser

Here’s a brief Battlefield teaser trailer with 9 seconds of in-engine footage, though sadly not in-game. Say what you will about the quality of the games released via Frostbite, but since Battlefront, DICE has put in tremendous work to make them look incredible. This teaser comes on the back of the knowledge that Battlefield will…
ANNOUNCEMENT 30 Apr 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Next Battlefield to Be Revealed Next Week

Invitations, a teaser countdown site, and a surprising lack of leaks have combined to create an aura of mystery around the latest entry in the long-running Battlefield series. Coming off the release of last year’s Battlefront, DICE have been surprisingly quiet on what’s in store for the next major entry in the series. DICE LA,…