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NEWS 08 Oct 2024­ by L Coulsen

Phoenix Springs, a Manc Point-n-Click, is Out Now

Don't see many games coming out of Manchester (that's the 'Manc' part) these days. Not like back when Ocean Software did every licensed game in the universe. So it's real nice to see some local lads (I'm a Manc meself) getting in on the putting out a game. Especially one that stands out at…
NEWS 18 Sep 2024­ by L Coulsen

Final Fantasy XVI Has Finally Landed

Can you believe people have been playing this for an entire year already? How did they manage that, when it only released today? Cough. Seriously, though. With base game and complete bundle options, we can finally check in on Clive. And best of all, it's on both Epic and Steam at the same time. Now…
NEWS 18 Sep 2024­ by L Coulsen

A Closer Look at Remnant 2’s Warden

With the final DLC, making the game 'complete,' coming up in a couple weeks, we've been given the chance to take a more detailed look at the new archetype. The Warden is a pretty interesting hybrid of a tank and a healer. We honestly need more of them in games. I might have just found…
NEWS 16 Sep 2024­ by L Coulsen

Everspace 2 Brings the Titans

Featuring two new storylines and some updates for the base game (that part's free) the Titans DLC brings, well, Titans. Not, like, giant Greek dudes, but still giant. Big ships, just to be clear. Should be pretty obvious, especially if you watch the trailer, but yeah. Big ships. Very big ships.
NEWS 12 Sep 2024­ by L Coulsen

Stardiver is Now Available

Not much more to say, really. You can get the game, on Steam, for a whole fifteen bucks. £12 for those of us across the other side of the pond. In fact, a little bit less, right now, because there's an 11% (oddly specific) discount for launch week. Such a curious little game. One that…
NEWS 12 Sep 2024­ by L Coulsen

Copycat is Literally a Cat’s Existential Crisis

There are quite a few games about cats cropping up at the moment, and I am right here for it. Like most of them, this one also isn't just a gimmick. Press O to cat, and all that. It's all about a stray cat getting jealous of a housecat, and literally stealing their identity. I…
NEWS 11 Sep 2024­ by L Coulsen

The Outlast Trials Event Literally Makes You the Bomb

No, that really is not clickbait. In the latest event, you are literally a ticking bomb. You have a timer, and you don't finish objectives in time, penguin gif. You know what I'm saying. See for yourself. Check the trailer and press release.
NEWS 10 Sep 2024­ by L Coulsen

Remnant 2 is Complete With its Final DLC

Sounds a bit weird calling the game 'complete' given how much was already in there, but there we go. Anyhoo, there's a lot more now, so, even more complete could be another way of looking at it. Including new story content, a new archetype (class) and a whole lot more. Check out the trailer and…
NEWS 09 Sep 2024­ by L Coulsen

Gori Gets Accolades and Gives Tips

By which we mean there's an accolades trailer, and down below, there are some little tips to help you better spread the carnage. Number 6 is far and away the most important. I know that's a bit clickbaity, but it's true. You can find them in the press release, below. Also, take it from someone…
NEWS 06 Sep 2024­ by L Coulsen

Stardiver is Scuba Diving in a Spaceship

Yes, you read that right. You literally fly (swim) your spaceship underwater. That's, like, the whole game. That's a really cool idea. I'm genuinely surprised no-one else has really thought 0f it before. Anyhoo, the game will drop in a few days, September 12th to be precise, so now it has. Been done, I mean.…
NEWS 05 Sep 2024­ by L Coulsen

A Quiet Place Gets a Noisy Dev Diary

This latest dev diary focuses around sound design. It's rather important for the setting, after all. I know, right, shonk! Looks (and sounds) to be shaping up quite nicely, I must say. I can't honestly say I was overly impressed with the films. But this is prime ground for video games. That I cannot deny.
NEWS 04 Sep 2024­ by L Coulsen

Kill the Shadow Gets a Killer New Trailer

Yeah, yeah, obvious joke is obvious and trite. Anyhoo, the trailer itself gives us a deeper insight into the game and world, which is a plus in my book. There's something about this one that's really speaking to me. Cannot wait to dive in and hope it lives it up to expectation.
NEWS 04 Sep 2024­ by L Coulsen

Spectre Divide is Out Now!

Welp, they talked the talk, now let's see if they can walk the walk. Available for absolutely free, we can all jump in and check if we really will be pumping ten thousand hours into the game. I mean, it's not going to cost you anything, so why not, eh?
NEWS 29 Aug 2024­ by L Coulsen

The Star Named EOS Has Wooed the Accolades

Cozy and first-person isn't the first combination that comes to mind, but there's always that one outlier. And that would be this. Released just over a month ago, it's won over pretty much everyone who gave it a try. And hey, not hard to see why, really. Well done, guys.