Yooka-Laylee E3 Trailer and Delay

Posted on 11 Jun 2016 by
David Pink

It’s been ages since we’ve last heard about Playtonic Games charming platformer, Yooka-Laylee and now we get the chance to check out its E3 gameplay trailer. You can’t help but feel the nostalgia tickle in your fingertips, it’s like a beautiful mash up of games like Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Spyro the Dragon and Donkey Kong Country. I’m extremely excited to get my hands on it, but sadly it’s going to take a little longer to reach the masses since the original projected Kickstarter release date of October 2016 has been pushed back to Q1 2017.

The reason for the delay is that the team behind Yooka-Laylee want to make sure they release a well-polished, high quality game for all platforms, which isn’t a bad reason at all considering this year a lot of games could have benefited from a bit more polishing…ya, I’m looking at you Homefront.

For more details and some beautiful screenshots, chick out Yooka-Laylee’s homepage and don’t forget to watch the awesome E3 trailer above. Enjoy!

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