Some Things Just Want To Cuddle

Posted on 14 Sep 2017

Unknown Worlds Entertainment updates Subnautica with its early backer reward and some background fixes.

Starting off, the Cutefish has been renamed Cuddlefish and has been added to the world, this little guy can help stave off insanity for a while at least, while also preforming tricks. The Vehicle HUD has been updated as well, to bring it in line with the new PDA and default HUD that was added in the Ghost patch, introducing a better experience by Alterra.

So, small patch notes, big download, this time I was able to read it all before the patch had even finished. Also, for those that have played Subnautica, UWE have an official post over on the Subnautica Subreddit asking for input on what needs to be balanced for the 1.0 release that should be coming out soon.

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