Were you growing weary of not seeing much about Rebellion’s upcoming sequel to the award winning Sniper Elite franchise? Well, park your keister right here and stay awhile, cause’ I got some news for you!
Earlier today, Rebellion released the first ever story trailer for Sniper Elite 4. The first in a series of upcoming story related media, fans of the series can have an idea of the trials and tribulations our war hero, Karl Fairburne, will endure upon the games inevitable release come February 14th, 2017.
Featuring previously unseen footage, story details and various environments, the “Italy 1943” featurette describes the complex machinations that led to the Allied invasion of Italy during the war. Fighting against the fascist regime, Karl will help stoke the flames of the ITA resistance, together they fight to bring down the Nazi occupation that’s threatening all of Europe.
In the coming weeks, we’ll be seeing more and more of these Sniper Elite 4 story trailers. Each one will be focused on different factions, revealing new locations, unveiling insights of the games overall story and its many fascinating characters and plots. As the final days approach for its release, players should have a firm grasp on what’s at stake for our hero, and what to expect of the newest continuation in the massively popular Sniper Elite series.
Fans hungry for more info on SNIPER ELITE 4 can now watch “Italy 1943”, the first in a series of new story trailers for 2017’s first AAA shooter.
Featuring previously unseen concept art, environments, factions and brand new story details, “Italy 1943” recounts the intricate machinations behind the Allied invasion of Italy. In SNIPER ELITE 4, Karl Fairburne will help release the country from the shackles of Fascism, fanning the flames of resistance, and in doing so uncover a terrifying Nazi technology threatening the whole of Europe.
In a detailed post for PlayStation Blog, SNIPER ELITE 4 Narrative Designer Colin Harvey sets the scene for the game’s thrilling World War 2 campaign:
“In SNIPER ELITE 4, Karl is plunged into a country that’s been under the yoke of Mussolini’s Fascism for over two decades. Political opposition to the regime was either crushed early on or escaped abroad. Now, though, discontent is growing…”
Look out for future intel videos in the coming weeks: Each one will offer choice insights into SNIPER ELITE 4’s dramatic story, revealing the intriguing characters, stunning locations and absorbing subplots you’ll encounter in wartime Italy.
SNIPER ELITE 4 launches across PS4, Xbox One and PC on February 14, 2017.
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