Shadow of War Charity DLC Now Free

Posted on 27 Sep 2017 by
L Coulsen

For those unaware, there was a DLC called Forthog Orc-Slayer made in memory of Michael Forgey. A Monolith employee who worked on Shadow of Mordor/War who died of cancer in March of last year. The intention was that profits garnered from sales of this content would be donated to the Forgey family to assist them in the aftermath of his passing. However, due to marketing laws around the world, it was only advertised as such in the US and, supposedly, replying to queries about international sales would also violate consumer laws? Somehow?!

This lead to some being understandably concerned, speculating that it may have been an underhanded moneygrab capitalising on the unfortunate passing of a respected colleague. Which has now lead to an official statement on the WB Games website. In an attempt to rectify any bad will, the DLC has now been made free to all, with a full refund to be issued to all who already purchased. With Warner Brothers Interactive further stating that they will, instead, make a direct donation, out of their own pockets, to the Forgey family.

Whilst I can understand the concern, it does seem like an honest, sincere mistake on their part. Though a tweet did State that international sales would not be included in their charitable donation, this was reported as an error due to poor communication. I’m inclined to believe there was nothing underhanded going on. Regardless, the issue seems to have been rectified now, and should you also wish to aid the Forgey family, there is a crowdfunding campaign on YouCaring which you can contribute to directly.

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