Also, there’s a fairly lengthy accolades trailer that applauds the players, rather than the game. Consisting entirely of quotes and screenshots submitted by Hellblade‘s player base, using the in game Photo mode. I submitted a few of mine, though I can’t quite tell if any of them were used. A lot of people, clearly had similar ideas as far as what they wanted to capture of Senua’s journey.
Due to the nature of the narrative, Ninja Theory have also said that, today, all money generated by sales of Hellblade will be donated to the mental health charity Rethink Mental Illness. To clarify, this is any money Ninja Theory generate by sales of Hellblade across both PC and PlayStation 4. Not sure why they needed to make that clarification, but it is still appreciated that they did. Especially in light of the recent Shadow or War clusterfuck.
Whist I can appreciate that Hellblade was not a game for everyone, I was personally affected quite profoundly by it. Having had experience of mental ill health, like so many else in the world, including auditory hallucination, it was a curious sensation to see those experiences translated into an interactive art form. And I maintain, this is a game that will be remembered for a long time to come.
I tip my hat to thee.
Today we’re happy to be sharing the Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice Accolades Trailer. A very different kind of accolades trailer. Firstly, the trailer is created entirely from fan screenshots captured in the Hellblade photo mode. Secondly, instead of highlighting choice press quotes, the trailer highlights some of the many touching messages received by Ninja Theory since the launch of the game in August.
In addition, we are today announcing that all proceeds received by Ninja Theory from the sale of Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice on World Mental Health Day (October 10th) will be donated to mental health charity Rethink Mental Illness.
Rethink Mental Illness exists to support and campaign for those severely affected by mental illness. They help millions of people affected by mental illness by challenging attitudes and changing lives. We are delighted to be supporting this important work with this donation.
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