Mafia 3 Coming Out October 7

Posted on 19 Apr 2016 by
Simon Sirmenis

It’s been a while since we’ve last heard anything about Mafia 3 but today it hit with vengeance. Not only 2K put out an awesome trailer but also revealed the release date for the game, which is October 7th.

Unsurprisingly it’s still six months away and considering how much we know about the game, expect for more details to start dripping soon. There is surely to be revealed more around E3 but for the time being we have this great story trailer to enjoy. The new video shows us the betrayal of Lincoln and how he was shot to the head, his struggle to recover and then his fight for revenge. You can even see Vito, the main character from Mafia 2, for a few seconds if you look close enough.

Official Press Release

2K and Hangar 13 today announced that Mafia III, the highly anticipated new title from the popular organized crime series, launches on October 7, 2016, and will be available for PlayStation® 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One and Windows PC.

Check out the brand new Mafia III One Way Road Story Trailer, which gives a glimpse of Vietnam veteran Lincoln Clay on his path to building a new family from the ashes of the old after his surrogate family, the black mob, is betrayed and wiped out by the Italian Mafia in New Bordeaux.

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