Well folks, it’s that time of year when you spend that College loan you applied for on Steam games instead of tuition… so grab that wallet forcefully and start throwing it at your monitor because the Steam Summer Sales event is here!
Valve has come up with a really “slick and genius” way of getting people to justify the mass purchases of Steam games this year. Since they weren’t diabolical enough with Steam Trading Cards, we have… Steam Summer Stickers. You can collect these virtual collectibles by completing “quests” every day of the sale, these come in a pack and are randomly assigned.
This time around, they’re gracious enough to remove that dreaded feeling of getting a duplicate, since you can’t get the same sticker twice (Yay!). You can also get stickers just from viewing games in your Steam Discovery Queue each day. You also have your very own sticker book that you can apply all your glorious Steam stickers to, and unlike said stickers, you’ll be able to retain after the Summer Sale as a memento before a collection agency gives you a call.
In addition to the insidious scheme of rewarding us with tacky stickers from browsing all the deals every day of the sale, you can also earn some spiffy Steam Summer Sale Trading Cards via these five methods:
Once you collect all of the cards you can craft the Steam Foil Badge, which you can show off on your profile along with the emoticons and profile backgrounds you get with it. Each time you upgrade this badge, you get more rewards, and there is no limit to the times you can upgrade it. The cards, stickers and opportunities to upgrade your badge expire once the sale ends of course, so make sure you utilize them before it’s too late. With all this amazing virtual swag, you are guaranteed to be the coolest kid in the unemployment line.
Now let’s talk about the reason you are throwing money at your screen… the games. While each day will bring more deals to your attention via the Steam deal highlight showcase, and your discovery queue suggesting more and more games based on what you play. Whatever deals are happening now will be the same deals until the end of the sale, no more “Flash Sales”, so make note of that. As for what seriously bitching deals are highlighted today, look no further then below:
And these are just a fraction of the advertised deals, with the literal thousands upon thousands of games available on Steam, most of which are bound to be on sale, if only a tiny one. So make an offering to Lord GabeN, and pour your life savings into digital copies of games.
Steam 2017 Summer Sale lasts from June 22nd to July 5th.
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