Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Extended Trailer

Posted on 25 Mar 2019

Shadowbringers is the upcoming expansion to Final Fantasy XIV. Along with the extended trailer released today, new features of the expansion were revealed including; two new playable races (female only Viera, and male only Hrothgar), a new Dancer Job, two new cities, a new raid, and new beast tribes and areas.

Official Press Release


Details on FINAL FANTASY XV Collaboration and Villain Zenos’ Addition to Dissidia FINAL FANTASY NT, Accompany New Job and Player Race Reveals

LONDON (25th March, 2019) – At the sold out FINAL FANTASY® XIV Fan Festival in Tokyo, Japan, SQUARE ENIX® revealed that the highly anticipated third expansion, Shadowbringers™ will take players to Norvrandt, in the First World. This marks the first time Warriors of Light will journey beyond the world of Hydaelyn™, as they must become Warriors of Darkness to fight against the forces of Light, which threaten to destroy this world.

During the event Key Note, Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida announced numerous new features, including:

  • New Job – Dancer: Dancer joins gunbreaker as one of the new jobs in Shadowbringers. This ranged attacker not only unleashes powerful attacks using chakrams, but also performs dances to execute abilities and provide beneficial effects to their party.
  • New Player Race – Hrothgar: The male-only Hrothgar player race compliments the recently announced female-only Viera as the second new playable race in Shadowbringers. The Hrothgar and Viera will also have unique, customisable features specific to their races.
  • New Player Cities – The Crystarium and Eulmore: Located in Norvrandt, these two cities will serve as new player hubs and play a key role in the Shadowbringers main storyline.
  • New Raid – Eden: This new high-end raid content will feature multiple challenging bosses, as well as a new character designed by KINGDOM HEARTS® Director and FINAL FANTASY series veteran, Tetsuya Nomura.
  • New Beast Tribe and Primal: The bearded dwarves and the “Sin-eater,” Innocence.
  • New Field Area – Lakeland

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