Things are looking up for EA right now. Not merely financially (Battlefront moved fourteen million units) but with gamers alike. They seem to be moving back towards their “maybe we should give our customers what they want?” approach to fleecing us for every penny. Something they have a habit of doing about once a decade. Though, to be fair, they’ve been slowly moving that way since that ludicrous poll declaring them the worst company in America. Because poor customer service and mediocre games are totally a bigger deal than the bank illegally repossessing people’s homes! Amirite?!
Anyway, leaving all that behind. We have a lot to look forward to in the coming year. The new Mass Effect in Q1, along with the next Need for Speed following on the success of, and promising to learn from the feedback of, the title that was released only a little over half a year ago (and just a few months ago on PC). Also coming in 2017, likely towards the end of the year. But that’s far from the end of the story because we’re also getting another Battlefront next year, which will hopefully have a campaign mode this time.
Meanwhile, as many of you, probably, already know, there’s a second Star Wars game in the works, this being developed by Respawn. No news on when that’s due to arrive as yet, but reports are that it will be some kind of third person action adventure type and EA are planning to release one Star Wars title each year. So with Battlefront 2/4 coming next year, and Visceral working on yet another game, with the help of Amy Hennig. I expect we’ll see theirs (Visceral) in 2018, and Respawn 2019, unless they’re working on the new Battlefront of course. Though speaking of Respawn, they’re saying Titanfall 2 will drop (heh) before the end of this year. Again, hopefully with a campaign, or hell, any plot at all would do.
But I’m not done yet! They are also working on a completely new IP. There’s nothing concrete about this apart from a statement by their Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President, Blake Jorgensen, given during a recent earnings call. The full transcript of which can be found on Seeking Alpha, which requires registration, but is free. He says that we should expect to see more “coming up soon”. So we can probably expect to learn something about this, and everything else on EA’s plate, at the upcoming EA Play on June 12th.
It…it’s almost like…EA want us to like them again.
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