Divinity Original Sin 2 Voice Actors Revealed

Posted on 25 Aug 2017 by
Jay Shaw

It both feels like yesterday and an eternity ago that Divinity: Original Sin 2 cruised through a Kickstarter campaign to massive success. Larian have teased the voice acting work on Twitter recently but this is the first full confirmation we have of the scope – 74,000 voiced lines of dialogue! Check out the Kickstarter Update.

To put that into terms more easily understood, Mass Effect 3 had ~40,000 spoken lines. Anecdotal evidence suggests Mass Effect Andromeda has about 65,000 (Mac Walters interview with PC Gamer where he says it’s equivalent to ME2 and ME3 together.) Frankly though, all those spoken lines don’t mean much if you don’t have a cheese vendor.

Jokes aside, you’re probably wondering who Larian picked for all the important roles. Here’s the list directly from the press release:

  • Harry Hadden-Paton as the Red Prince, a haughty but heroic lizard noble exiled from his own empire.
  • Alix Wilton Regan as Sebille, an elven assassin seeking vengeance against the Master who once enslaved her.
  • Tamaryn Payne as Lohse, a star musician possessed by an unwelcome – and powerful – visitor.
  • Chris Finney as Ifan ben-Mezd, a mercenary ex-soldier on the run from a haunted past.
  • Alec Newman as Beast, a rebel-turned- pirate who must save his people from their reckless and tyrannical queen.
  • Christopher Bonwell as the undead whose origin story will soon be revealed.

The undead is being shown exclusively to press physically present at Gamescom this week but the embargo on that information lifts next week. Divinity: Original Sin 2 is getting very close to launch now, only a few weeks away at 14 September 2017.

Official Press Release

Divinity: Original Sin 2 to Feature Full English Voice Acting,

Over 74,000 Lines of Voiced Dialogue

GHENT, Belgium – August 25, 2017 – Larian Studios has announced that Divinity: Original Sin

2, the highly anticipated RPG launching on Steam on September 14, will feature a full roster of

voice acting content and talent, with more than 1 million words and over 74,000 lines of voiced


Voice acting talent in Divinity: Original Sin 2 includes veterans from the games industry and


  • Harry Hadden-Paton as the Red Prince, a haughty but heroic lizard noble exiled from his own empire.
  • Alix Wilton Regan as Sebille, an elven assassin seeking vengeance against the Master who once enslaved her.
  • Tamaryn Payne as Lohse, a star musician possessed by an unwelcome – and powerful – visitor.
  • Chris Finney as Ifan ben-Mezd, a mercenary ex-soldier on the run from a haunted past.
  • Alec Newman as Beast, a rebel-turned- pirate who must save his people from their reckless and tyrannical queen.
  • Christopher Bonwell as the undead whose origin story will soon be revealed.

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