Now, we know what you are thinking, all DLC is optional. But in this instance, it’s a little bit different. Because, you see, even people who don’t purchase it can still play with those who do. You read more about the specifics, in the press release, down below. That’s a pretty cool way of doing things, if you ask us.
Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces launches today on Steam
Prague, 26th March, 2024 – Publisher Bohemia Interactive and third-party developer Rotators Collective are proud to announce today’s release of the Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces. When the call comes, nothing is more important than how fast you react. In this new Creator DLC, fast decisions with small squads are key.
Reaction Forces offers new weapons, vehicles, gear, and more to rapidly react to a multitude of situations in new single and multiplayer scenarios, and to enhance your overall experience in the Arma 3 sandbox. Fight forest fires from above in the Cougar medium-utility helicopter or swerve from the beaten track in the MOOSE pick-up truck to take on operations with new weapons and equipment, from pistols and rifles to remote-controlled mortars and the game.
The Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces is available now on Steam for $7.99 USD (€7.99 EUR / £6.99 GBP).
Key features of the Reaction Forces Creator DLC include:
2035 “Futura” setting
Two new rifles and two new pistols
New “Cougar” helicopter with variants
New “MOOSE” pick-up truck with variants
A new micro-UAV
Two new static mortar systems
New weapon pylon systems
New uniforms and equipment
Open-world co-op scenario: “Air Control”
Co-op scenario: “Quick Reaction Force”
Competitive scenario: “Cashpoint”
Two singleplayer scenarios fighting wildfires
New music
For a complete overview of the DLC, please visit the Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces store page on Steam – or go to the project’s official website at
Developer Rotators Collective will be sharing further development insights on their project via their social media accounts on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and YouTube.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Arma 3 Creator DLC?
Creator DLC is a label for original Arma 3 projects made by third-party developers and published by Bohemia Interactive. This program enables external talent to earn a financial reward for their work, while players get to enjoy more new quality content. For more information, please visit the Arma 3 website.
Why is Creator DLC optional to install?
We have decided to make it optional to have the Creator DLC data installed. This is mainly to avoid regular Arma 3 installations from requiring a lot more additional hard-drive storage, even for those who have not purchased Creator DLC. The second reason is that a Creator DLC’s theme or setting might be very different from regular Arma 3 and not everyone might want it to be visible in their game.
How do I launch Reaction Forces?
You will need to visit the DLC section in the Arma 3 Launcher, make sure Reaction Forces is owned and loaded, then launch the game by clicking the PLAY button.
Can I still play together with people who do not own the DLC in multiplayer?
To enable non-owners to still play on multiplayer servers that make use of Reaction Forces content, Rotators Collective has published a “compatibility data for non-owners” via the Steam Workshop. Restrictions on in-game use of CDLC assets by non-owners will apply. More information can be found on the Community Wiki.
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