NEWS 13 Jun 2021­ by Jay Shaw

E3: Guerrilla Collective 2021

Clocking in at over three hours long this is one chunky show. There are a crazy amount of games on show here so instead of the usual list of everything shown we're going to cut out a little more and focus on the biggest and most interesting stuff that catches our eye so you're not…
NEWS 15 Jun 2020­ by Jay Shaw

E3: Guerrilla Collective 2020 Day 3

Today marks the third day of the Guerrilla Collective show and while the first two were focused on bombarding us with new trailers and game reveals, today is more about interviews with developers of games shown in previous days. We're not going to steal the interviewers thunder by transcribing them all here but you can…
NEWS 14 Jun 2020­ by Jay Shaw

E3: Guerrilla Collective 2020 Day 2

It's day two of the Guerrilla Collective Show, yesterday we got some incredible surprises and fun looking games so we've got high hopes for the show today. As usual the embed above is the entire show and you can read on to take a look at individual games and their trailers. The Eternal Cylinder ACE…
NEWS 13 Jun 2020­ by Jay Shaw

E3: Guerrilla Collective 2020 Day 1

E3 2020 may have been unceremoniously dumped in a ditch by the ongoing pandemic but we've got plenty of other coverage to enjoy still. Kicking off this coverage, starting with the first day of The Guerilla Collective's three day show. The whole show can be watched via the embed above, or you can scroll down…