ANNOUNCEMENT 11 Jan 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Gears of War 4 Gets Third Title Update

Bringing two new maps to rotation, pricing changes to in-game DLC packs, and 280 new customization options, the third Title Update for The Coalition’s take on Gears of War is out now. A little background before we dive into the update proper, Gears of War 4 uses a loot crate system that confers various “cards”…
ANNOUNCEMENT 07 Dec 2016­ by Max Halcomb

Gears of War 4 First Major Patch Available to Download

Good news for all you Cogsplayers (see what I did there?), Gears of War 4 has just received its first large content update. Since its release on October 11, the fourth entry in the Gears of War series has been met with high review scores and user reviews alike. Although being stuck as an exclusive Windows 10…
ANNOUNCEMENT 02 Dec 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

GoW 4 Update Testing Cross-Platform Play This Weekend

The Coalition may have initially opened up 'Crossplay Versus' to private matches only in Gears of War 4, but starting today, PC and Xbox One players will have the chance to get matched up against one another in a special cross-platform competitive playlist. The Coalition is making no promises that players will definitely play against…
ANNOUNCEMENT 29 Sep 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Get a History Lesson With the First 20 Minutes of GoW 4

Serving as one part prologue, another part story refresher, and just a dash of tutorial, the prologue for Gears of War 4 takes place across three separate missions to properly ease you into the Gears Universe. For those that didn’t take part in the loud, beefy cover-based shooter that dominated the Xbox 360’s lifespan, The…
ANNOUNCEMENT 20 Sep 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Gears of War 4 Features Couch Co-Op

Coming as one of the more heralded titles in terms of Microsoft’s “Play Anywhere” series, Gears of War 4 developer The Coalition revealed last week that the game’s campaign would ship with local split-screen co-op play. This also comes on the news that the game’s campaign, Horde mode, private multiplayer matches and versus AI games…
ANNOUNCEMENT 03 Sep 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Gears of War 4’s Horde 3.0

Gears of War 2 brought the wave based co-op mode into the limelight. Since its introduction back in 2008 a lot of games quickly followed suit, but very few made it as renowned and enjoyable as GoW 2 did. Almost 10 years later, we now have Horde 3.0, Gears of War 4’s tricked out version…
ANNOUNCEMENT 17 Aug 2016­ by David Pink

Here’s The Grind on Gears of War 4

Earlier today during the 2016 Gamescon, held in Cologne, Germany, Microsoft dropped some hefty bombs on Xbox One and PC gamers for their upcoming sequel to the massively popular cover-shooter, Gears of War 4. Much like the last gameplay teaser released, comes an even longer, semi-lethargic, seen-it-before style, 10 minute long trailer, except this time…
ANNOUNCEMENT 21 Jul 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Gears of War 4 Hiking Gameplay

Now that we know that Gears of War 4 and quite a few other games are coming to PC, we might as well start following their progress. In the latest snippet from the campaign portion our squad of heroes are trying to make their way to the dam. Unfortunately their way is blocked by the…
GAME PROFILE 21 Jul 2016 by

Gears of War 4

Check out this game profile to learn more.