NEWS 18 Sep 2024­ by L Coulsen

Final Fantasy XVI Has Finally Landed

Can you believe people have been playing this for an entire year already? How did they manage that, when it only released today? Cough. Seriously, though. With base game and complete bundle options, we can finally check in on Clive. And best of all, it's on both Epic and Steam at the same time. Now…
NEWS 06 Nov 2023­ by L Coulsen

Star Ocean Second R is Now Available

Yes, that's right, 'tis true. Star Ocean Second Story R is now available. To celebrate, we not only have the obligatory launch trailer, but also a short video interview with the game's composer. Who lists his influences as being Deep Purple and Whitesnake. What more could you even ask for?! There is no rock, there…
NEWS 02 Nov 2023­ by L Coulsen

The Squeenix Collective Brings Us Little Goody Two Shoes

A fairytale horror RPG, in an anime style, with elements of Little Red Riding Hood and The Wizard of Oz. That is not a sentence I ever expected to exist, but I'm also not all that surprised. It's a curious mix that makes a lot of sense. Anyway, it's available now across all major platforms.
GAME PROFILE 02 Nov 2023 by L

Little Goody Two Shoes

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NEWS 06 Sep 2023­ by L Coulsen

Star Ocean The Second Story R Gets a Full-on Anime Intro

Yep, that's right. The (arguably) most anime of anime-style JRPGs has an intro movie literally a short anime. I know, shonk, right? Anyhoo, Squeenix recently showed it off and uploaded it to the YouToobs, as you can see above. It's pretty much exactly what you would expect. If you want to see more, the…
GAME PROFILE 06 Sep 2023 by L

Star Ocean The Second Story R

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NEWS 02 May 2023­ by L Coulsen

Forspoken is Getting a Story DLC

Well, whatever people may think of the game, it's still being supported. For now, at least. With the In Tanta We Trust DLC adding new story elements. Digital Deluxe owners will get to jump in a little early, on the 23rd of May. With everyone else able to buy and play come the 26th. Whether…
NEWS 07 Apr 2023­ by L Coulsen

Destroy Steam’s Darkness as Stranger of Paradise Arriv…

That's right, folks. The game with one of the most difficult names to say aloud, Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin, hits Steam. I mean, it's not really that hard to actually say, but the lack of punctuation, when written down, makes it seem odd. I blame darkness. So go teach it a lesson on…
GAME PROFILE 07 Apr 2023 by L

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin

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NEWS 13 Dec 2022­ by L Coulsen

There’s a Crisis on Steam as Crisis Core Has Landed

Former PSP game, Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII has now launched. Featuring completely remade assets and some tweaks to gameplay, it's not the second part of the Final Fantasy VII Remake, but it will certainly scratch the itch until it arrives. As well as filling in a lot of details about Sephiroth and Zack…
GAME PROFILE 13 Dec 2022 by L

Crisis Core

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NEWS 30 Nov 2022­ by L Coulsen

The Winter Soldier Join’s Marvel’s Avengers

Bucky Barnes is landing on the helicarrier along with update 2.7 for Marvel's Avenger. Adding some new missions to continue the story ever further. Bringing back clones, though...having some not-all-that-pleasant Spider-Man flashbacks when I hear that. Oh my.
NEWS 14 Nov 2022­ by L Coulsen

Valkyrie Elysium Hits Steam

The Valkyrie series has been around for a while, now. And whilst it may not be one of Squeenix best known franchises, it's demonstrated a degree of staying power, with good reason. Japan just has a knack for making engaging, Viking inspired worlds. So with the new of the latest entry, Valkyrie Elysium, hitting Steam,…
GAME PROFILE 14 Nov 2022 by L

Valkyrie Elysium

Check out this game profile to learn more.