ANNOUNCEMENT 03 Feb 2017­ by Kyle Johnson

Titanfall 2 Latest Update Adds New Mode, Maps and More!

The latest free update for Respawn’s great wall-running, robot-stomping shooter, Titanfall 2 adds in a new titan-free game mode, playlist updates, and more. The new mode, initially previewed early in January is titled “Live Fire,” which sees teams of six pilots each having 60 seconds to capture a flag in a small, vertical map designed to…
ANNOUNCEMENT 02 Dec 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Angel City’s Most Wanted: Titanfall 2 Updated

Fan favorite map Angel City is returning from the first Titanfall, and with it comes a whole host of balance changes, updates, and new content for Respawn’s excellent competitive shooter, Titanfall 2. New Titan Kits, Titan enhancements for each different Titan are now available, along with updates to multiplayer, which include further sensitivity updates, detailed…
REVIEWS 15 Nov 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Titanfall 2

Born out of the Activision/Infinity Ward legal fiasco from several years ago, Respawn Entertainment has returned with another installment in their infantry/mech shooter series, Titanfall. Now with a few years under the belt of development time and lessons learned from the previous installment. So does Titanfall 2 wallrun and boost-jump its way to victory, or…
ANNOUNCEMENT 26 Oct 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Become as One in Latest Titanfall 2 Trailer

With the backing vocals of an unknown singer, Respawn Entertainment has released one more trailer before the worldwide release of their jet pack, robot-infused FPS, Titanfall 2. Live-action seems to be in vogue these days, what with a very excellent TV spot for Dishonored 2 making its way into sports broadcasts here in the states,…
ANNOUNCEMENT 18 Oct 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

A.I. Love You, Titan

Angling for a more emotional outing than their last effort, Titanfall 2 developers Respawn Entertainment have released another trailer for their single-player story, this time touching on the relationship between the Pilot and the Titan. An unknown rifleman fighting to preserve his home, Jack Cooper finds himself teaming up with Vanguard-class Titan BT-7274, or just…
ANNOUNCEMENT 12 Oct 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Experience Life on the Frontier in Titanfall 2

In the frontier, life is varied, sometimes brutish and short, but never dull. Thus is the vision behind Respawn’s sequel to one of the breakout shooters of 2014, and it’s what Titanfall 2 hopes to impart. Beyond every setpiece moment, every engaging and unique combat experience is a moment of calm, some puzzle-platforming elements mixed…
ANNOUNCEMENT 30 Sep 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Experience the Life of a Pilot in the Titanfall 2 Cinematic …

Emphasizing “cinematic” over “game trailer,” regardless, the prerendered trailer shown above takes us through the awe and majesty that being a pilot in the Titanfall universe provides. Eschewing the split campaign from the first game, in Titanfall 2, you take the role of a Militia Rifleman, fighting to preserve his homeworld from the abuse and…
ANNOUNCEMENT 22 Sep 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Meet Titanfall 2’s Pilots and Their Requirements

Wall-run, booster jump, and glide your way over to the latest Titanfall 2 trailer, showcasing a variety of the new Pilot abilities, and the slick presentation of Titanfall 2’s new on-foot combat. Despite some changes from the previous entry, such as removing the AI teammates, Respawn has given players new abilities and options to increase…
ANNOUNCEMENT 08 Sep 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Get Intimate With the Titans in Titanfall 2

Before we get to more personal introductions, let’s get comfortable with customizing our Titanfall 2 titans, soldiers, and weaponry. Dozens of patterns, colors and camouflages offer an array of options to make every player and titan unique and memorable on the battlefield, along with also possibly masking your presence by blending in with the scenery.…
ANNOUNCEMENT 31 Aug 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Meet the New Titans of Titanfall 2

With six new titans entering the fray, each with their own set of offensive and defensive capabilities, Respawn looks to outfit pilots with a new array of 40-ton titans at their disposal. The first is Legion, boasting a massive chaingun, which it can use to spear enemy titans and lay down supressing fire, followed by…
ANNOUNCEMENT 20 Aug 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

No Titanfall 2 Beta for You, PC

EA/Respawn are running a Titanfall 2 Alpha/Beta thingie called Tech Test this and next weekends but unfortunately it’s a console exclusive. All we get on PC is to watch this rather nice looking trailer. The official reason, and in this case I have to admit it doesn’t sound like a marketing bs, is that Respawn…
ANNOUNCEMENT 13 Aug 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Another Look at Titanfall 2’s Single-Player

Building off of the original footage released around E3, Titanfall 2 is looking to ramp up discussion of its single player campaign, with another brief trailer coming out. Moving away from the online-only single player found in the first game, Titanfall 2 moves to provide a more story-driven experience, as we step into the shoes…
NEWS 10 Jun 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Titanfall 2 E3 Teaser

In a tweet from the official Titanfall twitter page, there’s some brief footage of drop pods careening towards unknown planets, and a mech flexing one of its hands. Of course, if the fact that Titanfall 2 exists at all is news to you, well, EA did confirm roughly two months ago that it was in…
ANNOUNCEMENT 04 May 2016­ by Lee Braden

EA Announces a Respawn Star Wars Game

Going from a little bit of news EA has announced that Respawn Entertainment is making a third person Star Wars game. Respawn Entertainment is known for Titanfall and their recently announced Titanfall 2 so rumours are very abound right now. What is known is that Stig Asmussen (senior on the God of War series) is…