Yooka-Laylee And The Impossible Lair – Releasing October

It has been announced that Playtonic Games Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair will be launching on 8 October 2019 for PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One. Check out the release date trailer above and press release below for pre-order details.

Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair – Alternate Level Sta…

Playtonic Games and Team17 have released a new trailer for Yooka-Laylee 2 showing off how its levels will change as objectives are met. Expect the game to release sometime in Q4 2019.

Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair – Announcement

Playtonic Games and Team17 have announced Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. It looks like the sequel will be aping Donkey Kong Country a bit, while retaining that bat/lizard dynamic from the original. Stay tuned for more info during E3.
GAME PROFILE 08 Jun 2019 by Jay

Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair

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ANNOUNCEMENT 01 Mar 2017­ by J. A. Kinghorn

Chill Out With Yooka-Laylee!

Earlier this week Playtonic Games released a new world gameplay trailer for Yooka-Laylee. Introducing the Glitterglaze Glacier! Check it out above. The new Winter Wonderland is one of five total worlds that players will be able to explore in depth from the 11th of April when the full game launches. Previously, gamers could pre-order the…
ANNOUNCEMENT 15 Dec 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Pay for Yooka-Laylee Now and Enjoy the Toybox

The 3D Platformer (Action/Adventure) genre is seeing somewhat of a resurrection. Even though it’s mostly driven by Indies, the quality of games in this space is increasing rapidly, and Yooka-Laylee is one of those games pushing the bar. A Kickstarter sweetheart that got more than ten times what they asked for as it slowly gets…
ANNOUNCEMENT 19 Aug 2016­ by J. A. Kinghorn

Yooka-Laylee @ Gamescom

A few months ago we reported on an impressive trailer and a slight delay from the highly anticipated spiritual successor of the Banjo Kazooie series, Yooka-Laylee. Today, we're happy to report on an even shinier looking trailer that's fresh out of Gamsecom. Through the new gameplay footage we can clearly see that the title wears…
ANNOUNCEMENT 11 Jun 2016­ by David Pink

Yooka-Laylee E3 Trailer and Delay

It’s been ages since we’ve last heard about Playtonic Games charming platformer, Yooka-Laylee and now we get the chance to check out its E3 gameplay trailer. You can’t help but feel the nostalgia tickle in your fingertips, it’s like a beautiful mash up of games like Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Spyro the Dragon and Donkey Kong…
GAME PROFILE 11 Jun 2016 by


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