ANNOUNCEMENT 02 Sep 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Quantum Break Slightly Delayed

In a very short post THQ Nordic announced that Quantum Break retail/Steam version has a new (re)release date of September 29th. This is a bit over two week delay from the original September 15th but THQ Nordic were quick to assure the eager games that this has nothing to do with the game itself. The…
ANNOUNCEMENT 26 Aug 2016­ by David Pink

Halo 5: Forge and Halo: Online Update

To some of our readers, this will come as a pleasant surprise, it seems that Microsoft does indeed care about us PC gamers after all. For the first time since 2004 comes a first-person shooter campaign Halo experience to our beloved platform, pretty sweet eh?! It’s only been 12 years since Halo 2 was released…
GAME PROFILE 26 Aug 2016 by

Halo 5

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ANNOUNCEMENT 17 Aug 2016­ by David Pink

Here’s The Grind on Gears of War 4

Earlier today during the 2016 Gamescon, held in Cologne, Germany, Microsoft dropped some hefty bombs on Xbox One and PC gamers for their upcoming sequel to the massively popular cover-shooter, Gears of War 4. Much like the last gameplay teaser released, comes an even longer, semi-lethargic, seen-it-before style, 10 minute long trailer, except this time…
ANNOUNCEMENT 17 Aug 2016­ by Jordan Fong

ReCore @ Gamescom

ReCore has been an announced game for Xbox One for some time now, but thanks to Microsoft’s recent attempts at integrating Xbox One with the Windows 10, it was confirmed to be coming to PC as well. Yet they still call it exclusive, wrap your head around that one. As we already know ReCore’s primary…
GAME PROFILE 17 Aug 2016 by


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ANNOUNCEMENT 10 Aug 2016­ by L Coulsen

Quantum Steam

After a lukewarm reception on the Windows Store, Remedy have taken the more financially sound decision of bringing Quantum Break to Steam. Coming September 14th, it will now be available both digitally, and in a collector's Edition retail box (in partnership with Nordic), for a price of $/€39.99. Yes, that's right, both will cost the…
GAME PROFILE 10 Aug 2016 by

Quantum Break

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GAME PROFILE 23 Jul 2016 by

Halo Wars 2

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ANNOUNCEMENT 23 Jul 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

Get Your First Look at the Story of Halo Wars 2

Originally announced at Gamescom 2015, Halo Wars 2, coming to the Xbox One and PC, has a new trailer out detailing some of the events that transpire throughout the game. Picking up 28 years after the first Halo Wars, 2 sees the return of the Spirit of Fire, along with her crew, as they encounter…
ANNOUNCEMENT 21 Jul 2016­ by Simon Sirmenis

Gears of War 4 Hiking Gameplay

Now that we know that Gears of War 4 and quite a few other games are coming to PC, we might as well start following their progress. In the latest snippet from the campaign portion our squad of heroes are trying to make their way to the dam. Unfortunately their way is blocked by the…
GAME PROFILE 21 Jul 2016 by

Gears of War 4

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NEWS 13 Jun 2016­ by Kyle Johnson

E3: Microsoft 2016

It’s that time of the year again, in which the entire gaming press converges on Los Angeles to discover new games, consoles, and more from (arguably) gaming’s largest trade show. Though the necessity of E3 has been debated in recent years, it doesn’t stop companies from releasing a whole glut of news, and Microsoft is…
ANNOUNCEMENT 14 May 2016­ by L Coulsen

A Real Bright Spark – Project Spark Cancelled

Following on from the official dissolution of Lionhead, Microsoft have now announced they are officially shutting down Project Spark as well. Effective from yesterday, the game can no longer be downloaded, and as of the 12th of August all service will cease. The official reason is unclear, but does state that active development ceased during…